+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
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If it is possible could someone make for me a map with spots where we should make lures and trap? Should we use there fire bombs or  maybe there are spots where I can use as druid Wild Growth Rune? What way is the best to make a good exp there?
by (17,406 points)
ice library is way out of my expertise so im hoping someone can answer this question for us all
by (4,451 points)
Yes, I hope someone can hel me start somehow on that place
by (4,384 points)
I do hunt a lot there, but since there are basically no neutral paladins/sorcerer that share with me in my server, I have only hunted as ek+2 ED, so I cannot guarantee how the exp would be in a normal 4 voc team :/ with a paladin a sorcerer to lure, the route would definitely change
by (4,451 points)
But i guess you are making the same rounds as in full th? Maybe you can show it to me via map or movie :)? It would a big help for newbie like me xd <3

1 Answer

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by (4,451 points)
Best answer

I was on the library already so since there is no answer I will show my map how we did it with 16kk/h exp
