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by (29 points)
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I wonder when it is safe to possibly stop using mana shield on Ice Library without risk of being one shoted?

3 Answers

0 votes
by (24 points)
Well, there isn't any level set in stone (minus the 250 level requirement to do the quest)

BUT if you want to erase mana shield out of the equation completely, and hunt comfortably, I would say level 900.

At level 900 you have 5,145 total HP. You have the equivalent to a level 340~ish elite knight. You're not full boxing or standing directly next to the EK, you do have a the risk of a monster leaving the EK if he fails to res, but your exura vita will outheal whatever that monster hits. As long as you're persistent with your healing, you should be completely fine. HOWEVER, you can still get wrecked, so don't get overconfident, still take high caution as these monsters still do a ton of damage.

I'm going to take a stab and say you were talking about team hunts,

I hope I answered your question and gave you somewhat of an idea.


0 votes
600~ for teamhunts
T3 ice imbue on armor and spellbook and a glacier amulet give you 42% ice prot.
Push this higher with kilt/shoes if you want to do this in your 500's.

At this level you can survive head-shots from 2 creatures in melee plus a random beam from the box (or missile from a feather). The new Eldritch Cowl (7% ice protection helmet) should lower this to 500-+ quite well.
0 votes
by (7,037 points)
Using Prey/Good set and going in full team can do on level 600+. Also it depend on small lucky and skill of player.

Of course just can't take damage from 2 mobs or 3 (With Prey Defense) if not probably 3 can kill you.