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by (20 points)
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Which weapon type is better to use during a hunt? A two handed or one handed weapon?
by (5,070 points)
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3 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,796 points)
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Weapons at the same level range will always show that one handed tend to have less attack than two handed weapons. It obviously has to do with the fact that shields can't be used by two handed users, so the extra attack will make two handed options interesting for knights in need of more damage.

As a rule of thumb, if I want to battle against magic casters, I will go always two-handed. If I will face enemies that cause physical damage mainly, I will certainly go for a one handed.

Of course, it will always depend if you need more attack or more defense, so it is not a simple question to answer. I would say that if I could choose, I would rather be a permanent one handed rather than a two handed, since the extra protection of a shield is one of the strongest points of being a knight. But let's see the cases on what could be the most rational response to the following situations:

Facing Warlocks? Go with a two handed. Facing Behemoths? Go with a one handed. Need to block a strong boss? Go with a one handed. Need to smash a single PK paladin that tried to kill you? Go with a two handed.

I would say also that as it was for my case, if you got a knight weak on skills (for example, a Free Account knight like me) you will probably be obliged to go for a two handed, in order to hunt more effective monsters. Keep in mind that your shielding will not go up with the two handed being used. Currently, I'm only using a two handed.

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by (7,037 points)
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Depends of how many mobs at the same time you gonna kill:

1-3 mobs at same time, is better use one handded and use shield to protect you.

8+ mobs at the same time, is better use two handded weapon and make more damage.

This because you can only block two attack per turns, so if you have more than 2 mobs attacking you the rest ignored the shield defense.

by (1,212 points)
You are right, your shield defense is ignored but the shield atributes are not ignored (Imbues, elemental protection, etc). So at dangerous grounds it is worth to equip a shield, isn't it?
0 votes
by (1,212 points)

There is a lot of things around the answer.

As @FPoPP said, "one handed weapon tend to have less attack than two handed", but of course this depends on the required level for the weapon. Important to mention that Two handed swords usually has 3 Imbuement Slots and One handed has 2. 

The best weapon depends on the options you have, i'll explain with Swords. 

 Cobra Sword (Lv 220, One handed) vs. Slayer of Destruction (Lv 200, two-handed) Same element: physical. Both of them have atk:52 but, Slayer of Destruction offers you 3 imbuement slots and Cobra Sword only 2. So if you are hunting alone, the best option is Slayer of Destruction because with its 3 imbuement slots (mana, life, crit) and equiping an armor with life leech, you will gain a lot of HP. 

Gnome Sword (Lv 250, One handed) Element: Energy. This sword has 10+42energy atk, but it is the only sword that deals energy damage so in this case there is no other option. 

Naga Sword (Lv 300, one handed, atk 8+44 ice) vs. Soulshredder (Lv 400, two handed, atk 10+47ice). This comparation is a little fool because Soul items are BiS but, it doesn't mean that Naga Sword doesn't worth. In this case, you want to use naga sword when you need the elemental protection of any shield. Once you are fine without that elemental protection go with two-handed. 

If you want to make your own comparations with the weapons you use, you can open the Market and in the upper left menu select "Weapon: axe/sword/club", there you will see all the axes/clubs/swords in game and you can click on the "Level" button to see only the ones you can equip and finally click on the "Details" button to see the stats. 
