+2 votes
by (4,451 points)

As I know  is one of the more expensive items in Tibia. But how we could get it before?  Was there any special event when we could loot it? When Cipsoft changed "the way" to loot this item? And if someone know - why?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,851 points)
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This rare item was obtainable a long time ago from the Daemon which u might meet at Mintwallin(if i remember well).

I found there some kind of history of Legendary Helmet of the Stars.
An old story from Karl, former "Wizard"

"Before I begin, I have to point out that it was not really the first HOTS that was gotten by a player, but the first that still exists today. There was an update (in 1997 with client 2.0 ) where all now rare items were deleted and the whole setting of the item system was reformed. It was necessary, because it was very easy before to get those items (dragons dropped them all) and every level 5 player already had a full set of the (back then) best items in the game: HOTS, E-plate and a firesword. So to make Tibia more interesting, all these items where replaced by a steel helmet, a regular plate armor (or was it a chain armor?) and a regular sword. From that update onwards, the rare items were hard to come by. Maybe it was not as hard as it is today, but still a lot harder then before."  https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Golden_Helmet

asked Oct 31, 2021 by (17,425 points)
edited Oct 31, 2021 by
Why is the Golden Helmet also known as the Helmet of the Stars?