+1 vote
by (5,070 points)
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Hello mates! Years ago I remember that using soft boots were so useful but now in lvls 400+ I'm not using it anymore so I'm asking, if its still worth it to use?

I meaning it on team hunts where there is a lot of monsters where you are continuously doing spells and healing yourself like prison , catacombs , feru seals .. etc 

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,355 points)
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Best answer

I believe that most mages above 400+ still use soft boots to hunt, lets check the stats for soft boots real quick!

It's pretty much just the mana bit that we are interested in so, soft boots regenerate 12 mana every 6 seconds (2 mana/sec)

Me personally only hunt until my green stamina is gone, this is 2h, using soft boots the entire time would give me 14400 mana.

This is obviously not a crazy amount of mana since that's almost my entire mana pool at my level... but hey it's 'something'

The only reason that I think most mages still use soft boots to hunt at 400+ is because they haven't been able to afford the next upgrade, which is a Pair of Dreamwalker boots, I believe that they are above 20kk+ (at least on my server)

 (Arm: 2, magic level +1, protection earth +8).

So in conclusion: Yes I think soft boots are still alright to use at 400+, there's not really a lot of different boots to choose from, unless you feel like having some extra protection and use those +5% different resist elemental boots :)

+1 vote
by (2,426 points)
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I've asked myself this question more than once, and eventually settled with this answer: what's the alternative? Of course, now that we have the Dreamwalker Boots, it's consensus that its Magic Level bonus is better than the small extra mana provided by Soft Boots. But what about the other options:

  • Boots of Haste. The good old speed boots lost its days of glory. As we know, +20 speed will frequently not provide you any speed boost at all, specially at higher levels. Thus, these are only useful in very specific situations, but rarely for hunts. 
  • Elemental Boots: For mages, there is one elemental pair of boots for each of the four main elements, all of them providing 5% protection but also 5% more damage on an opposite element. The 5% protection may be good, but not always. Protection in Tibia does not add up, but is rather multiplied. In short: the more equipment you have providing a certain protection, the lesser their real effect will be. With all the "new" items for protection (amulets with several charges, raiments, suncatcher, etc), more often than not the 5% will only give you another 3% in reality, which reduces the gains considerably. You can use TibiaWiki's armor calculator to test this numbers. 
  • Void Boots. These are a a mix of an Elemental Boots with the Soft Boots, since it provides both mana regeneration and considerable energy protection (10%). Obviously, then, it's a good choice when fighting a lot of energy damage (for example inside the Otherworld), but you also have to take into account its higher cost (since it's consumable and more expensive per hour than Soft Boots). 
  • Physical protection boots: Steel Boots and Golden Boots ($$$) offer some extra armor even for mages. At higher levels, however, armor is a lot less useful, since it reduces a flat amount of damage and you're fighting stronger creatures. Also, stronger creatures tend to use more magical damage, so physical protection, specially for mages, is less important. 

Generally, I only consider protection in situations where I feel like I'm on the edge of survivability and every % counts. On other occasions, I would still recommend the Soft Boots. That is, of course, if you don't have the Dreamwalker Boots. And of course, Soft Boots are great for mana sitting inside resting areas with double mana regeneration. 

0 votes
by (7,016 points)
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Depends on some fact:

- What other boots you gonna use, depending on the area/mobs.
- You gonna use "Mana Leech" or not. If not, use Soft Boots.
- The mob you gonna kill have strong "Mana Leech Attack" or not. If yes have attack, use Soft Boots.
- If you gonna kill mobs to bestiary and nothing hard, can use Soft Boots because you save money.

Then everything depends on this:

- You gonna use "Mana Leech" or not. If not, use Soft Boots. If you use Mana Leech is better to equip
another boots to protect you.

by (5,070 points)
I edited my question to be more specific
0 votes
by (5,689 points)

I wear my Soft Boots if I don't need protection for some element. I also make runes with them when afk. I have 300MS.
