+1 vote
by (17,282 points)
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For example, in the olden days Demons used to drop coconuts. What are some other times where CIP removed loot from creatures?

4 Answers

+6 votes
by (4,385 points)

Rotworms used to drop Legion Helmet, but in 2009 it was removed from it and now only "Rottie the Rotworm" and "Rotworm Queen" drops it.

It is still required for an outfit (citizen)

by (17,282 points)
Wow I really didnt know about that helmet
by (2,261 points)
I used to hunt rotworms while i was making runes in 2003  and dont even remember this. Nice fact.
by (4,385 points)
Yeah, it was the best helmet in Rookgaard, but it was very dangerous to kill rotworms back then, so it was very valuable in rook >:)
+4 votes
by (5,625 points)
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Grynch Clan Goblin apparently once gave 1cc, Elvenhair Rope,  vampire shield and some pillows, but I think it was deleted.

by (17,282 points)
LOLL WHHHAT oh my that would be one lovely christmas ;P
by (5,625 points)
haha yes, old tibia :) here is info about this, but idk about rope, i'll add :)  https://www.tibia-wiki.net/wiki/Grynch_Clan_Goblin
by (155 points)
Yes! I remember these days
by (5,709 points)
I can confirm that the white pillow still is a loot obtainable from the Grynch Clan Goblin! However, did we ever have such valuable stuff with him? I thought that this was a Tibia myth
by (5,625 points)
yes, white still drop but others colors no :) it isn't valuable, normal pillow
by (17,282 points)

Here is old loot list I found on history of tibia wiki
by (5,625 points)
ohh great, more items :) idk about that
+2 votes
by (5,709 points)

Well, a good call would be the old loot from Wild Warrior. Back in the day, it was possible to get a War Hammer! With 45 atk and for both hands, this was the dream of many club users back in the day. However, I remember that by 2010 the loot was already removed.

by (17,282 points)
wow didnt know they used to drop war hammers, i do see tibia wiki removed it off of the history of wild warriors back in 2013 :( before that it had a question mark on it. prettyy sad!
+2 votes
by (70 points)
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Best answer

I know it's an old post, but I found it interesting. I wrote an article on that years ago, you can find it here (it's in Portuguese though): https://www.tibiabr.com/2750/2014-12-15-top-10-itens-retirados-de-loots-de-criaturas/

Some examples other than the ones already mentioned:

Dragon lance from Dragon Lord

Dragon Scale Mail from Serpent Spawn

Ornamented Axes from Wyrms

Fire Sword from Dragons

Bags from all creatures

by (2,855 points)
Bag from all creatures was on of the most excited loots, the real good loot used to come inside them. I remember getting a Dragon Slayer from Dragon Lord and it was inside the bag. It was great