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by (421 points)
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To join the quests Pits of Inferno and Inquisition, what lvl should a character at least be and why?


The question is for a new server with no service and not really much high level characters who join. So the character can not just run behind and wait till everyone cleared everything. He also has to help.
by (56 points)
The required level is between 80-100.
I recommend you  to make those quest at lvl 100, to make sure you succed.

4 Answers

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by (1,351 points)
You can join and Help at level 80 for PoI and 100 for Inq as a shooter (mage / rp). You can use mana shield and shot runes at distance.

SD's and single target attacks can be used while stacking on players. Multiple druid may be needed as only one blocker might not be enough to block everything.
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by (7,037 points)

On new server the first POI/Inquisition have a good number of players.

Minimum Requirement Level: 80

Minimum Requirement Level: 100


  1. On Druid and Sorcerers always use Magic Shield.
  2. Paladins can use Energy Ring on emergency.
  3. Always attack from distance.
  4. Always use the best Health/Mana Potions.
  5. Bring with you some special food and cupcake to use in emergency.
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by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

For a new server with no service for POI or INQ I still checked out the new worlds and their forums to see what they suggest and they all suggest the bare minimum and I know you're not going on a service.

I know it's possible you can still go as minimum required which is level 80 for POI or level 100 for INQ. However, the ones blocking and killing it (which I'm sure everyone will pitch in to help) is really important. From what I understand for Inquisition - Elite Knights can be at least level 200 as a main blocker, a little under that for a second blocker if needbe, if there's just 1 main tank they usually suggest minimum of level 250ish. But if it's a new server, the higher the better, the more blockers the better because clearly theres more monsters than a knight can tank at times and with a low team you need to be careful.

.It all just depends on your team I think this question is very opinion based in the sense it depends on the players skills and levels and who is actually going. If you have more details on that we'd love to better assist you with your question. For POI it's less of a hassle so they recommend the tanker to be at least 150ish but same idea, more blockers and shooters the better!






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by (4,311 points)
Nowadays you can go at  POI with level 80 without any proble, specially if your server have servisse. Inquisition you'll have to wait until level 100, same way you will find no problemsto deal with it.