+7 votes
by (2,865 points)
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I'm EK and want to start the task of 6666 demons, how can I start hunting them to do it ? A druid is always necessary ?
by (1,322 points)
By reading the description of your question, I think the title could be reformulated as: "What is the best way for a knight to complete 'The Demon Oak Quest'?". What do you think?
by (2,564 points)
+1 For that title suggestion
by (5,796 points)
+2 now! That title suits better the intent of the author.
by (2,865 points)
Did it!! Thanks for your suggestion

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer
As a knight myself, my best advice is to buy a Winterblade / Cobra Axe / Resizer

Any Ice damage weapon, because demons take extra 12% damage from Ice.

If you have a druid, ferumbras' Ascendant is the best place to kill demons, since you can easily kill 200/300+ per hunt, depending on your level and skills.

If you are a solo EK, thus cannot hunt at Ferumbras', the best place (in my opinion) would be at Goroma Volcano, where Morgaroth spawns. There you have mostly demons, so you don't rely on a druid, and have a decent amount of them.

Get some fire resist gear and you're ready for it :)

PS: It is also profit
by (2,865 points)
Thank you!! Nice advice. Any tips of the average level I can start?
0 votes
by (1,351 points)

You can hunt demons 1 by 1 using your level 200 summon to help. It'll reduce your waste but it is not very efficient.

The best strategy to finish this task as an EK is to hunt at ferumbras ascending quest or at oramond sewers with a team.
