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Most of the time, after I get tired of a hunt, I spend several days looking for a new place to hunt. It is really boring. I wonder if there is a list with hunting places by level and vocation, that shows how much xp/h and profit/h is expected.

If this list does not exist, maybe we should create it, since there are many questions here that ask exactly that for a specific level and vocation.
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by (355 points)
There are many lists that address this matter.
Sadly, profit and exp per hour can and do vary a lot as the conditions used to measure them are very different.
I would recommend a youtube and google search before recreating such a list as it's very, very extensive and it changes frequently.
by (2,564 points)
As you can see, it's not even possible to keep a simple list of hunting places for all vocations in a single answer. We should not attempt to answer such broad questions in a single post.

3 Answers

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