+2 votes
by (5,796 points)

So if you drink a beer, it is a small but noticeable drunkenness status for your char in Tibia. But if you get drunk due to a musical wave attack made by a Wyvern, you get a much intense drunk status. How does that work regarding the levels of drunkenness in Tibia? I mean, you can get a little bit drunk and proceed on how many stages until the maximum of drunkenness possible? I just want to know if there is some sort of clean cut separing low/mild/strong/maximum of drunkenness in this game.

Just trying to figure out something that I never saw explained anywhere.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,070 points)
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Whenever you drink alcohol in Tibia, you will get drunk. You will also get drunk when staying in the Fire Elemental cave entered during The Repenters Quest for too long.
While being drunk you will have the drunkenness icon on your status bar.

Drunkenness makes it harder to control your movement. Randomly when trying to move, you will walk in another direction. When this happens, the words Hicks! will appear above your character. Being drunk while fighting creatures can result in severe injuries, or even death.

Some creatures can also induce drunkenness, some more severely than others. DjinnsWyvernsVoodoo CultistsDworc Voodoomasters and Warzone creatures in particular cause very severe drunkenness.

To protect against the effects of drunkenness, one can wear a Dwarven Ring which lasts for an hour. However, you will still be intoxicated so you cannot simply wear it when you expect to get drunk.

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Drunkenness

There is no more info about the level of drunkness so I guess that some powerful drinks maybe give more ratio in the random probability of move your character in a different direction.

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

I did a test on your related question here: https://www.tibiaqa.com/9070/does-every-alcoholic-beverage-in-tibia-make-you-equally-drunk?show=9351#a9351

BeerBeerBeerWineFor me it didn't matter what I drank my movements seemed to be the same across the board. What made my movements different was the amount of drinks I drank.  So from my understanding, there should be just 5 levels of drunkness but all the drinks I tried make you equally drunk. Because when I drank 5 or more from either drink the result appeared to be the same drunkness movements. But with Orcsoberfest and drinking from their barrels I wonder if superdrunk = the 5th level of drunkness or if there's 6 levels.

The thing that's interesting when you drink in Tibia compared to when you get drunk by a creature the amount of time drunk are totally different. For example 1 beer in tibia = 2 minutes drunk and you can kinda walk and open doors. But when I go to Wyverns in Edron I was drunk for like 7 seconds and I could still move but it was like equivalent to 3 beers because it was really hard for me to walk but I could manage so not superdrunk or anything like that.

From my experience

Level 1: Bareable, less hicks.

Level 2: More hicks than before but having more trouble walking in a straight line.

Level 3: Can barely walk in a straight line more hicks.

Level 4: Really comparable to level 5 lots of hicks but could be a difference between the 2 just hard to tell.

Level 5/Possibly Superdrunk status: Really hard to move would rather get pushed or stop walking because you cannot do ANYTHING.
