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by (17,406 points)
I'm genuinely curious if there's a list somewhere out there that has the monsters that get you drunk. I know that to avoid being drunk you can wear a dwarven ring. The other day for example, I was hunting cults and forgot a dwarven ring so this is why the list would be of my interest. Sure you should always bring a dwarven ring in your backpack but usually I forget!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer

Tibiawiki has a list of creatures that can get you drunk, here is the link, so you can check:


My recomendation is to always have many Dwarven rings in the backpack, even if you're not gonna hunt creatures that get you drunk.

Since drunkness is one of the most dangerous effects in tibia, is always good to be prepared, and not take the chance of forgetting a dwarven ring.
