+3 votes
by (5,796 points)
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You can take the maximun of 3 tasks simultaneously during the "Killing in the name of..." quest. However, what would be the best combinations (in each different level range) to take that would encompass three different monsters at once in a decent way? Answering where would be the place to hunt such combiantions would be great as well

3 Answers

+7 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer


  • Badgers Badger + Mammoths Mammoth : In Svargrond mountain
  • Stone Golem Stone Golem  + Gargoyle Gargoyle+ Tornback tortoises Thornback Tortoise: In Meriana

  • Ice Golems Ice Golem +  Crystal Spiders Crystal Spider: In Nibelor, or svargrond mountain
  • Bone BeastsBonebeast + Ancient Scarabs Ancient Scarab: In the mother of scarabs cave
  • Lancer BeetlesLancer Beetle +  Wailing WidowsWailing Widow: In farmine caves

  • Giant Spiders Giant Spider+ Mutated Bats Mutated Bat: In yalahar cemetery
  • Giant Spiders Giant Spider+ Brimstone Bugs Brimstone Bug: In Krailos cave
  • Brimstone Bugs Brimstone Bug+ Mutated Bats Mutated Bat: Zao Corrupted Gardens

  • Hydra Hydra +  Serpent Spawn Serpent Spawn+ Medusae Medusa: In Banuta
  • Serpent Spawn Serpent Spawn+ Medusae Medusa: In Talahu cave
  • Serpent Spawn Serpent Spawn+ Medusae Medusa+ Behemoths Behemoth: In Medusa Tower (port hope)
  • Demon Demon+ Hellhounds Hellhound+ DestroyerDestroyer: In catacombs (wrath)

Note: Take in mind that you won't end all them at the same exactly time. For example: In yalahar you will end Giant spider task before Mutated bats one.

by (4,336 points)
Really nice answer!
by (5,051 points)
merci! :)!
by (17,406 points)
very detailed and i love how you included where to kill this combo
by (5,051 points)
:) I also use to ask for a task of wailing widow at lvl 79, and lvl up and ask for giant spider and brimstone bug, so I do those 3 at the same time in krailos
+2 votes
by (4,336 points)
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If you are level 130+ I can recommended for you:

Combination of 3 monsters:

Hydras Hydra  

Serpent Spawns Serpent Spawn

Medusae Medusa

You can hunt them for example on Banuta here

Combination of 2 monsters:

 Drakens obrazek obrazek obrazek obrazek

Ghastly Dragons Ghastly Dragon

You can hunt them for example on Zao Palace here

Combination of 2 monsters:

Hellhound Hellhound

Destroyer Destroyer

You can hunt them for example on Catacombs here

Combination of 2 monsters (80-129 level):

Lizard High Class for example: obrazek obrazek

Stampors Stampor

You can hunt them for example on Zao Muggy Plains here and here.

+1 vote
by (4,311 points)

When I was around lvl 300 I used to hunt at Wote, there I used to pick:

  • Undead Dragon Undead Dragon
  • Ghastly Dragon Ghastly Dragons
  • obrazek + obrazek Drakens
That is a good combination and place for Paladins to hunt.