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by (524 points)
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Recently my friend and i tried to do this mission, my friend Royal Paladin lvl 82 and i Elder Druid lvl 84. We failed to kill the earth elemental and stone golem Bosses, and the Tirecs come to kill us.

I want to know good ways to make a mortal kombat in low levels 80-90 without good skills.

Way to kill the creatures

Rings and amulets

Trap with wild growths magic walls or run

Kill the earth elemental and stone golem or not

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,046 points)
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Best answer

It depends:

  • If you play with good ping, you can do it perfectly running around in a pair of lvls 80, throwing sds or spells when you face Dreadwing  and Rocko  (This one as it has been said should be the last one u kill before the final boss, because of its strength). 
  • If you can't be running around or don't want to, there are a dew tactics you can follow.
    • EK+ED: Simply, the first one blocks while the other one heals. At the final one it is highly recommended that the EK doesn't face the boss, he must stays diagonal to him all the time.
    • RP + ED: As the firsts ones, the RP can be used as blocker, only if he is lvl 130+ in my opinion, since some bosses could HS him without the help of the USP. When Facing Tirecz, both must run around with the boss, I wouldn't try to block it if I was the rp.
    • ED+other mage: They can trap themselves with wild grown runes on the west side of the room, and keep luring the creatures there and killing them from the distance.

About how to kill the bosses:

  • Baron Brute Baron Brute and The Axeorcist The Axeorcist: They both accept sd, physical damage and all elemental spells (but the first one is super strong against fire)
  • Menace  Menace and Fatality Fatality: They both accept sd, physical damage and all the elemental spells but earth
  • Incineron Incineron and ColdHeart Coldheart: Both are immune to fire and Ice,  but accept sd, physical attacks and elemental attacks (although incineron is strong against earth)
  • Dreadwing Dreadwing and Doomhowl Doomhowl: First one is immune to death and earth, so you must kill it with other elemental attacks and physical damage. Second one accepts all.
  • Haunter Haunter and The Dreadorian The Dreadorian: Both accept sd, physical damage and all the elemental attacks.
  • Rocko Rocko and TremorakTremorak: I would choose to kill first Tremorak, since he is weak to fire damage, so you can use fire ball runes on it; would be smart to use firewall/fire bomb runes in the floor and make him walk over them.  If you got time to kill rocko, he is strong against everything, but ice and physical are his most weak strength, so you can use icicle runes or even explosive runes to kill it.
  • Tirecz Tirecz: When he spawns, focus on him. Although he is strong against sd, using them and physical damages are the best to defeat him. Keep running around the room to avoid his spells, and if you want to block him close, stay on diagonal always.
+1 vote
by (65 points)

There are plenty of variables but is essential you kill at least one of the bosses previous of Tirecs.

You must decide which boss is to kill between the Stone or the Earth Elemental.


If you decide to kill the stone, use icicles or explosions and help paladin with healing. At the same time put energy wall or bomb on the floor while paladin runs. It is up to you if you want to trap or be wondering.


The same if you decide to go first with earth elemental, only you use fireball and firebomb instead.

If you manage to kill one and still Tirecs did not appear, try the other one too, but if TIrecs appears just focus on him, with full sd and everything you got.

by (524 points)
yes but is in low levels without skill, do you think can kill the earth elemental fast using fireball?
by (65 points)
the ED alone, maybe focus better on the stone golem. As they are not weak to physical and as ED you have  spells to use against.
In case you manage to kill the Stone golem in time, you could try killing the earth, but you should focus on Tirecs as soon as he appears, unless you manage to not lure him into the fight