0 votes
by (2,865 points)
I'm doing this mission where I need to talk to 6 NPCs around Tibia, and say a determined word to each one, and if I say the wrong word, I need to deliver an item. But I'm talking to NPCs and they don't respond to any of these words or the name of the items. What I need to say to complete this mission?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,161 points)

You need  to go to NPC Wyrdin, if he is not happy with the word we will have to bring him Alamanac of magic.

At the first conversation, I recommend using the words plea, bluff or flutter - there is a 33% chance that one of them will work.

But most often bluff works. However, if we fail after giving the item, I recommend using the word impress or flutter.

+1 vote
by (2,271 points)
selected by
Best answer

When you talk to King Tibianus, Leeland, Angus, Wyrdin, Telas and Humgolf you do this



3. <either flatter, impress, threaten, bluff, reason or plea>

If that is not working then most likely the quest is not active. Check your quest log for The New Frontier quest and see where you are

Let me know if this is still not working

by (2,865 points)
This worked thank you! It's strange that I used all words to NPC in Kazordoon and it didn't work, then I use one of them again and worked. Did it already, thanks!