+1 vote
by (15 points)
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Hey, I'm playing with 37 RP PACC, I'm looking for a short guide/introduction to some hunting areas focus on EXP/Profit as possible, mostly EXP. Something that is safe as well. I'm going to try grind as much as possible, so please help me a bit if possible.

  • lvl: 37
  • 75/72 skills

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (92 points)

Eric / Psykik on youtube has some pretty detailed guides. Here are a couple for level 50 RPs

[Tibia Where to Hunt – RP 50+] Krailos Plains (340k/hr @ 78)

[Tibia Where to Hunt – RP 50+] Muggy Plains (425k/hr @ 80)

0 votes
by (5,689 points)

For me spike tasks Kazordoon :)  here. You can use stealth ring when you scared but mummies can see the invisible.
