+3 votes
by (92 points)
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I've been playing this game for ages but always hunted casual, usually single target sd style, and I want to learn how to start AoE hunting to maximize my exp/hr. I'm looking for some places that don't pose too much of a risk, but are still a little challenging to start getting comfortable with my new mouse's key bindings.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (524 points)
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Best answer

To start AoE hunting you can go:

 Glooth Bandits Oramond, use a defensive set,  

Souleaters are a good option, garlic necklaces and physical/ice protection set,    

Hero Fortress with good def shield and ml set,    

Werebeast Caves Edron and Cormaya, defensive set           

Lava Lurker (waste)        

Dragon Lords (Fenrock or poi)  fire protection set and firewalker boots.    

by (17,406 points)
I also would like to suggest things that are tibian classics - Like Dragon Lords!
by (524 points)
alright i got
0 votes
by (77 points)

You could try Hero Fortress Cave or Oramond west. Use area runes and lure as much as you can, improving your lure when you get comfortable.
0 votes
by (1,351 points)
When training you a place where you won't die if you over lure and/or get trapped.

I suggest training at glooth bandits west / east respaw. It's big enough to make big pulls and the monsters won't pass throw fire fields. So if you over lure just throw a fire bomb at you and you'll be safe. You'll feel your exp going up as you master aoe hunting.
0 votes
by (479 points)
I would suggest Lizard Chosens since they move pretty slow and at your level you can easily outrun them while using avalanches to kill them