+3 votes
by (5,796 points)
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Regarding summons (the ones got through Utevo res for Druid and Sorcerer and the other summon spell for all high level vocations), how can I possibly know where a summon creature casted by me will appear? For example, if I am in a roof with a nearby roof with walk able tiles but it is unreachable for players even with levitate, what can I do in order to spawn a monster there? Or another example: If I summon a monster during a crowded battle, what can I do in order to force this summon to appear on top of a character that just died? I've seen some people pulling it of in some war Tibia streams. 

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

You can't know the exactly sqm where the summon will spawn if there are a lot of empty sqm around you.

There are some basics though about summons:

  • There must be a free sqm 2sqm away from you at maximum in order for summon around you.
    • If there is not (All sqms taken by creatures, players, untranspasable objet or walls):
      • Utevo res summons; Won't spawn, a msg of there is not enough room will show up.
      • Utevo gran res summons: Will appear stacked on you 
    • If the only Free sqm is some stairs:
      • Utevo res summons; Will spawn downstairs
      • Utevo gran res summons: Will appear stacked on you
  • Summons can't be forced to stay in front of you, although they might spawn in those sqms and quickly move away from them: 
  • There must be an conection between 2 rooms in order them to spawn on the other side:     
by (5,796 points)
awesome tests. Thank you so much for the screenshots!
0 votes
by (160 points)
Usually, the summons are going to appear in sqms nearby, I think the maximum is 2 sqms from your position, if they do not find space there, they will appear stacked in the same sqm that you are.