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by (3,816 points)
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Hello everyone!!

How was the events of past anniversaries (5, 10, 15, 20...etc) it was something different that was removed or not used in recent ones (monsters, islands, creatures, items)?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Tibia's 5th Anniversary (2002)-

  • Players who purchased 7-months of Premium Account received a Shield of Honor

Source- https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=119

Tibia's 10th Anniversary (2007)-

  • 1000 players received 3-months Premium Account in a lottery

Source- https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=443

Tibia's 15th Anniversary (2012)-

  • Cipsoft Boss Raids (Cipsoft members were turned into bosses that you could defeat)
  • Thais decorated
  • Nostalgia Island
  • NPC Knightmare appeared in Thais to give Anniversary Backpacks
  • 1.5 XP from February 4 to February 15 ss
  • Special offer presented where if you buy 90, 180, 360 days of Tibia Premium time you would get the Entrepreneur outfit for one character on your account. Depending on the number of days you bought you either got the basic, basic + 1 addon, or full outfit.
  • Special Items- Anniversary Backpack, Anniversary Cake, 15 Tapestries of Honour for guilds existing 5 years or older, Golden Goblets for the oldest guild in each game world (six guilds in Antica were created the same day of the guild system and the day after so this was a special case), Chayenne's Key from CM Chayenne, Golden Bug Trophies (Siramal's, Delany's, and Bolfrim's), Artist's Brush (with/without paint), Artist's Cava's and Easle, Artist's Palette, etc ...


Tibia's 20th Anniversary (2017)-

  • Pinata Dragons appeared! During this party time experience gain is increased by 15%
  • Vigintia Island (Digging for treasure) and Nostalgia Island
  • First Dragon Quest
  • Cipsoft Boss Raids
  • Special Items- 20th Anniversary Backpack, Birthday Cake (20 years), Tatty Dragon Scale Legs, Starfish, Shell, Rusty Winged Helmet, Gold Nuggets, Gilded Birthday Cup, Framed Birthday Card, Filfy Bunnyslippers, Bottle of Tibian Wine, Chocolately Dragon Scale Legs, etc ...
  • Guilds 5 years or older received 20 special tapestries embroidered with the guild's age and the guild's name. The three oldest guilds on each game world received a goblet with a special inscription. A bronze goblet for the third oldest guild, a silver goblet for the second oldest guild, and a golden goblet for the oldest.
  • 20 Shields of Honour were given out to those who won the .. It's Time to Rhyme contest.
  • 20x 2 months premium time raffled among the best guessers in a guesstimation poll.
  • Several Store products were available with a 20% discount off their usual price for January (Blessings were 20% discount for 1 week)


Tibia's 21st-24th Anniversary (2018-2021)

  • (2018) 21st Anniversary: First Dragon Quest
  • (2019-2021) 22nd Anniversary: First Dragon Quest,  Vigintia and Nostalgia Island with the same treasure hunt, can knockdown, memory lane. Pinata Dragons with- Festive Backpack, Ferumbras Puppet, Winterberry Liquor, Pinata, Meringue Cake.


Tibia's 25th Anniversary (2022)-

  • Pantibian Festival - opportunity to meet the four gods (Stephan, Guido, Durin, and Steve) and play Tibia with them. 3 special game worlds will be created for special players who have the highest scores in the Pantheon. Also, up to four streamers per region plus one of their friends will be able to join as well. The souvenir from the festival was the Pantibian Amphora
  • New Area- Time travel dungeon
  • New quest "25 years of Tibia" with boss Lord Retro
  • 10 mini-bosses with different difficulty
  • Rewards- Mount (Gloothomotive), outfit (Formal dress), deco items (carpets, balloons, quest items, new backpack, new cake, etc more item information can be seen on TibiaWiki) Theons
  • New world boss- Morshabaal
  • Anniversary Raid
  • Anniversary Games- Funfair, Birthday buffet, Picture wall, Scavenger hunt
  • Poll raffle giving 25 players each 250 tc  
  • 25 Tapestries of honour with goblets given out to guild leaders of guilds 5 years and older
  • Tibia announced sound will come to Tibia in 2022 with a nice youtube video where the original gods play old Tibia: https://youtu.be/-EN7Ou5BtBo
  • No new items added to the following festivities- (Pinata Dragons, knockdown cans, digging for treasures, old monster sprites, Viginita, and Nostalgia Island)
  • Theons can be exchanged for many items listed in this related question: What are the items I would be able to change my theons for?

Sources -

by (6,736 points)
Pinata Dragons appeared first time in Tibia during 20th anniversary.
by (17,406 points)
Thank you so much!
by (1,351 points)
I would add a 21th Anniversary with the festive backpacks and most of the features form the 20th Anniversary.