+4 votes
by (203 points)
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Lets say i have one of those damaging charms applied to Demon, if i get a attack bonus prey on Demon, does the bonus also apply to the damage the charm deal ?
by (4,311 points)
Very good question

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (518 points)

Yes, if you get an attack bonus prey it is also applied to the charm.

A video which showcases this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX4iPRdyM7Y

0 votes
by (4,311 points)
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Best answer

The answer is YES they stack. 

When the charm is activated you inflict an elemental or physical damage equivalent to 5% of this creature's life, it means that you are dealing a damage to the creature, so if you have a prey of attack on the same creature it will be applied at the damaged dealed by the charm too. Take a look at the example

Skeleton Elite Warrior  Skeleton Elite Warrior has Health Icon 7800 hit points. He is 0% weak against any kind of damage, except  for Holy damage that he is 25% and  Death damage which he is imune. So if you apply the charm Wound Wound at this creature, when activated it will deal a physical damage of 5% of his total life, it means a hit of "390", but if you have a prey of attack 10 stars (25% more damage) on the Skeleton Elite Warrior the damage  dealed by the charm rise to "487".
