+3 votes
by (1,322 points)

I don't remember if I ever took part of any Christmas event. I think I played during Christmas around the year 2003 but if there was anything happening related to Christmas, I don't remember.

According to this source, the event as it is known now started in 2006.

Hence my questions

  • What are the steps you would recommend following during the Christmas event to take the most out of it?
  • Is it possible to make a considerable profit? (e.g. during the Piece of Cake event you can get a cupcake in a short amount of time which is a valuable item)
  • This question is not really taking into account the rare presents Santa can grant, but more oriented to what is certain you can obtain
  • Is it possible to do the steps you would recommend with a low level character, in order to repeat the process (if any) many times
Thanks in advance!
by (5,796 points)
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You want to profit during the event with a method that does not involve getting luck with Santa? Is that what you meant? :)
by (1,322 points)
That is what I meant exactly. :)
On top of that, not just profit but doing all activities that are worth and fun doing (e.g. gaining an outfit which would not be exactly a profit but something for your character, or an achievement, etc.).
by (4,311 points)
Sorry your question is a little bit confuse, could make it simple?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1,534 points)
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First that all this event (specially in low population servers) have not too many ways to profit, actually 2: gingerbread recipe and selling decorative items, both depends on waiting a certain time after the event ends to become actually profittable.

  • The Steps to obtain Christmas tokens are quite easy:
  1. Wait till a raid starts
  2. Go to the town where they appeared (bring Stealth rings as they don't sense u when invisible)
  3. Kill'em all (they have 80 hp so u can kill them with aoe runes as gfb quick enough)
  4. Collect as bags as possible (take in cosideration that each bag weight 80.00 oz so u would like to have a lot of cappacity available)
  5. remember they will appear constantly as long as the raid lasts so u could camp for them or just look for them all around the city
  6. Bring Christmas present bags to ruprecht before he leaves  (he trades one token per bag)
  7. Collect tokens until u have the quantity desired (there's not token's cap so u can trade and loot as many as u want)
  8. Trade tokens for the item u prefer Before he leaves (if u try to make profit u would prefer to get a santa music box, santa teddy or  a santa backpack because these are the most tradeable but also pay a look at the market of your world maybe there is someone looking for that cute orclops santa and will pay everything for it)  

    So u should repeat that process a lot to get a suitable quantity of tokens. Also, grynch clan goblin drops gingerbreadman, candy cane and cream cake as notable rare loot (used in Hot Cuisine quest) and a few other things that make them profitable by themselves.

.Don't Forget talking with Santa claus to receive ur annual present. 

More than that, there's not too much to do with Christmas event maybe trading with his assistants for decorative purposes or so.

  • Is it possible to make a considerable profit? Yes, santa teddy has a value up to 1kk (tibiawiki price) The santa backpack and the Santa music Box could be sold up to 500k each. (and u can trade as many as ur cappacity to get tokens let u you want!) Also selling the tokens works too.

    The other way to make profit is to obtain the gingerbread recipe and sell gingerbreads in the Hot Cuisine Quest, but both depends on market and your pattience.

    There's not way to make a considerable profit beside selling these items in market.

  • This Answer also doesn't take into account getting Santa rare presents as profit.
  • Is it possible to do the steps you would recommend with a low level character? Yes, u can do it and repeat it with a low level, but u could probably prefer to have a character who can manage to kill and loot them quickly and without running out of capacity for the biggest efficiency. (Christmas present could be taken by every character who reached mainland)

Also Pay a look to Winter Solstice event if u want to take the most of christmas at all

by (1,322 points)
Outstanding answer, many thanks. This is basically a guide, so I am sure I will be using it once the event starts. :)