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by (5,801 points)
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What are the actions or circumstances that can make me stop riding my selected mount involuntarily?

Sometimes it happens but I don't always pay attention why. Of course, I am not talking about when I actually select to stop using my mount.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,316 points)
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Best answer

If you go invisible, swim, transform, or anything else that changes your appearance, you will be automatically dismounted. Also you can not ride your mount at protection zones.

Source: Tibiawiki.com.br

+1 vote
by (1,351 points)
There are a few spells / attacks that transform your character into another creature or object. After the duration of these spells your character will come back not riding your mount.

For example: A medusa has a spell that transform you to a statue for a short duration. When the effect is over you won't be riding your mount by default.
+1 vote
by (3,843 points)

If you use a stealth ring or use the invisible spell, when some creature throws a changing appearance on you, if you swim it will disappear, if you enter any protection zones, if you use a costume bag or a “utevo res ina” spell and when you die
