+2 votes
by (17,425 points)
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As the question states, I'm trying to see what the rarest item is. Unobtainable or not.
by (355 points)
There are some items that aren't obtainable at all.
CipSoft has done this in the past and does it to this day.
This is done as an incentive for people to search for the item, same thing happens to quests, some quests are not finished on purpose.
Either way, there are items that are no longer obtainable at all.
The only way that happened back then was a GameMaster would create the item and hand out to winners of contests, there are no more GameMasters today specifically to avoid exploiting this. (There are cases where a GameMaster has benefited a friend with items). Rarely, Community Managers log in and they too can create items, but they're under heavy surveilance nowadays, it's unlikely that he'd spawn a known 'very very rare item' without being pubically announced.
by (2,426 points)
@YuriValle Voluteer GMs could never create items, lol. In fact, volunteer GMs couldn't even carry any items. They were removed for completely different reasons not related to rare items at all. You're right about CMs though, they log in to create and send Contest Prizes but there are strict rules they have to follow, and their jobs are on the line so they won't mess around with it.
by (355 points)
As far as my understanding and knowledge goes, back in 2004~2005, Game Masters did have this power and problems arose from this power.
CipSoft and Tibia have changed a lot since then.
I recall vividly how it was, I was 17 at the time and really obssessed with it, I'd be online for most of my free time, I'd read and follow ever source of information there was, I'd hop around different game worlds to see if there were any differences and so on. I have personally bumped into a handful of GMs and CMs, I never did mention any of their possible powers or their wrongdoing, but it was a recurrent matter back then.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer
  • Crown (one)
  • Blessed Shield (one)
  • White Dress (probably one)
  • Dragon Scale Legs (documented 3pairs, but I don't know if they still exist in the game)
  • Magic Long Sword  (one)
  • Key 0000 (one)
  • Dark Trinity Mace  (I don't know exactly, apparently they gave their gm for their work)

 Rose Shield have some members of GUILD RED ROSES, but it is also a very rare and expensive thing because it is not owned by ordinary players. (probably about 8)

*  War Backpack  - maybe two people have it. this fansite site did not organize competitions.(probably about 2-3)

by (2,564 points)
Do you know how many of each exist in Tibia?
by (5,689 points)
I'm not sure, but added informations which i provide :)
0 votes
by (-5 points)
Death Priests Rod, hunting on the cave of Sandstone Scorpions. Horests tumb.
by (17,425 points)
0 votes
by (7,048 points)

Anothers can be:

  • Crown
  • Dragon Scale Mails
In both case only exist one in all game.
by (5,070 points)
you got crown? wtf
by (27 points)
There's just one magic long sword too
by (5,070 points)
and also 1 white dress