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by (2,271 points)
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Ive been accidentally been building up a collection of backpacks and seen some strange prices on the market for backpacks that I didnt think were that uncommon so I was wondering..

What are the rarest Backpacks?

What they are and if possible how they are obtained. Any info will be much appreciated

by (5,801 points)
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@lehula dohon I don't see it as a necessarily short term question, since we got questions like this in the past here: https://www.tibiaqa.com/725/what-are-the-rarest-items-in-tibia-and-how-to-obtain-them

1 Answer

+6 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

Definitely the rarest backpack is War Backpack . In practice it is unobtainable (the only exception is to buy it from the current owner). Unfortunately TibiaWars, which got this backpack as a representing them item doesn't organise contests so there is no ability to win it in any way. What is more - War Backpack is only a decoration, it has no slots.

Quite rare, wanted because of achievement (and expensive at once) is Old and Used Backpack , which you can loot from rare Orc in Orc Fortress once per ~two weeks.

Another rare backpack is Ghost Backpack  - according to TibiaWiki.com.br you can loot it from The Pale Worm.

Rare chance to drop has also Winged Backpack  (Urmahlullu The Weakened), Book Backpack (Faceless Bane), Wolf Backpack (were-bosses) or Feedbag (Glooth Fairy).

by (2,271 points)
Great answer. Thank you for the info