0 votes
by (31 points)
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I am very interested in all rare or "legendary" objects, so I wonder which are the most rare that can not be obtained, or even can be obtained.

closed as a duplicate of: What are the rarest items in Tibia and how to obtain them?
The same question has already been asked before. In order to keep the TibiaQA question base clean, we marked this question as a duplicate and closed it to any new answers. This does not mean the question was wrong - we are just making it easier for future users to find the answers they need by linking the duplicated question.
by (1,534 points)
are hardly obtainable items as elemental spike, hunting horn and/or ferumbras hat considerable as rare?
by (17,406 points)
by (1,534 points)
unlike the other question this one is related to a list of the most legendary objects regardless these are obtainable (as the answered on that question) or not (as golden mask which ppl have it but as a old reward so no longer can be obtained, also as blessed shield who exists but couldn't be obtainable at all), so this question isn't actually a duplicated but a different one related to the same theme.

Also this question is from Mar 31 and the other one is from sep 22 so that question is actually the duplicated one.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,351 points)
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The rares and legendary items are old items that were rare in their time and were removed from the game such as:

Golden Helmet

There are a few items that were gifts to players and obtainable during specific times such as:

Warlod SwordWarlord Sword, Rose Shield, Shield of Honor,GameMaster Doll.

Both types of items can be obtained only by trading with players.

The rares items that are still obtainable in game by drops are very rare loots from strong bosses. For example:

 The Calamity - Rare drop from the final boss of secret library Quest

Hammer of Prophecy - Rare drop from the final boss of Forgotten Knowledge Quest.

Menacing Egg - Very rare drop from the final boss of Heart of Destruction Quest.

0 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Talking about unobtainable Items:

  • Death Priestes Rod

Talking about obtainable Items:

  • Crown
  • Dragon Scale Legs
  • Magic Long Sword
  • White Dress
  • Blessed Shield

And another unique items can be bought from other players.

by (2,564 points)
You probably meant dragon scale legs? Dragon scale mail isn't even semi-rare
by (7,037 points)
Yes, mistake DX
by (5,070 points)
Add silver necklace , winged helmet , warlord sword
0 votes
by (40 points)

wiki warlord sword

not sure if the image will show, But Warlord Sword is down to less than 5 on all servers.

Chayennes Magical Key is not as rare, but seeing as how it is unobtainable now, its rarity will only rise.

Magic Longsword is another one that comes to mind. If I'm not mistaken, there is only 3 in the game currently.

Winged Helmet is less than ten on all servers currently too!
