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About NPCs that can teach me knight spells, where can I find all of them?

1 Answer

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DuriaDuriaKnight Guild LeaderYesKazordoon, southwest from the depot
GrahamGrahamKnight Guild LeaderYesThe Barbican, north-west of Upper Rathleton
GregorGregorKnight Guild LeaderYesMain Street in Thais Knight's Guild
Knight HykrionKnight HykrionKnight Guild LeaderNoNorth-western building on the Island of Destiny
OrmuhnOrmuhnKnight Guild LeaderYesAnkrahmun Arena, upstairs
Ser TybaldSer TybaldKnight Guild Leader and Paladin Guild LeaderYesDawnportAdventurer's Outpost
ThorwulfThorwulfKnight Guild LeaderYesEast of Svargrond Arena
TrishaTrishaKnight Guild LeaderYesNear the north gate in Carlin on Central Street
TristanTristanOfficer Knight Guild LeaderYesLiberty Bay Fort, fourth floor
UsoUsoForeman Knight Guild LeaderYesNorth-western part of Port Hope, leftmost of the depot, below the ground level in Port Hope Tavern
ZarakZarakKnight Guild LeaderYesYalaharForeigner Quarter

Source: Knight Guild Leader NPCs
