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Is it worth buying mount for tibia coins in new server start to gain advantage?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (7,016 points)

Not really, you can use by some days image Rented Horse, get the Diapason Diapason to theCrystal Wolf Crystal Wolf or buy/loot Bag of Apple Slices Bag of Apple Slices to the image Donkey.

Is better use the Tibia Coins Tibia Conis to buy Health Keg Kegs or Health Cask Casks.

Or buy some Exercise Rod Exercise Weapons.

Check this: Cask and Keg Value Effectiveness

+1 vote
by (4,336 points)

In my opinion is better for you to use tibia coins for Exercise Weapons Exercise RodExercise WandExercise BowExercise AxeExercise SwordExercise Club. If you have good skills you can gain bigger advantage.

+1 vote
by (5,046 points)

No it is not.

The easiest and fastest mount you can get (if you are lucky) is the water Buffalo Water Buffalo in venore.

To tame it you need a Leech Leech, which you can try to get by 'digging swamp' with a shovel, in here for example:

*Note that you can loot the leech, a small diamond or a dead snake. If you dig a dead snake you will have to wait a week for a new try, so it could be smart to do a try in several characters.

Other option is to rent a horse in thais while you make to tame a mount, and if there is wild horses  Wild Horseto tame one of them with sugar oat Sugar Oat
