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by (1,322 points)
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It may sound basic to some, but I have lately found myself a bit confused when looking for hunting spots and checking the xp/h information.

The question is: when people say that in a given hunting ground you can make a given amount of xp/h:

  • Do they mean on green stamina, without?
  • Do they count bonus?
  • Or do they actually have to specify any of the above (meaning, no criteria is taken for granted)?
  • Also, do they mean average xp/h you can make, or the max that can be reached?

 Or perhaps you can answer the following question: what do you mean when you speak about xp/h and you don't mention any of the criteria from the bulllet points above? It could be another way to find out what the general convention is (if any).

by (1,322 points)
An additional clarification, my question refers to for example when you watch a youtube video and they say xp/h without specifying anything if with stamina or bonus, or when you check a guide about a hunting ground also stating xp/h but without saying if they mean with stamina or not, etc.
The question refers to what do they take for granted (stamina or not, bonus or not, prey or not...).

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)

Just saying exp/hr is very ambiguous.

By general, this takes the experience based on 100% or 150% (With first 2h stamina).

Because its depends of every player, so is better ask if is 100%, 150% or 225% or more (With prey).

Also in general is average of experience and not the max experience.

Personally: I speak and specify 150% almost always.

0 votes
by (5,070 points)
The exp/hour always have to be with the % of the bonus you have , this way you can know how much experiencie you could get in that situation , also is important to say if you have active preys.
0 votes
by (4,336 points)

In my opinion if people ask about xp/h they mean green stamina + bonus + preys because they wanna know max xp/h on hunting place.
