+2 votes
by (4,311 points)
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I would like to know how many times a Crustacea Gigantica shows at the same spot on the same day? Is it a single spawn or is it similar to an undead cavebear that spawns again after some hours?

NOTE: I'm considering to force its spawn, just regular spawn.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,162 points)

Regarding regular respawn you need to wait about 5 days for it for spawn in each spot. Since there are many spawning places of this boss it can appear very often.

The best way is to force respaw by killing Calamary on Oramond. I recommend only doing this when Oramond has an active respawn bonus. It can be several times in one place to depend only on how much you kill Calamary.

I found several movies that will help you.

0 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

In my experience on Treasure Island, I found the Crustacea Gigantica it at nights (9-6 hours before server save) and 1 per week (5 days) and just 1 per day.

0 votes
by (362 points)
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Respawn is each 4 days in a Random moment in the day on Treasure Island. I found every week Two times ever on the 10PM BR Horary or at the Midnight. In Calassa The respawn can be one per week or every 15 days each.

Oramond u can force  the respawn. Not is certainly know how much Titanicas Will appear when u are forcing.

Trust me. I have a lot of catchs but i lost on my discord.

And one in TibiaBosses XD - Titanica by Jin Toujo

If Titanica is dead she only will appear in other day. Not more of '1' in the same day.

0 votes
by (5,070 points)

Spawning times

First Location

First Location

Second Location

Second Location

Third Location

Third Location

Fifth Location

Fifth Location

Seventh Location

Seventh Location

Fourth Location

Fourth Location

Sixth Location

Sixth Location

Interesting and useful facts

1. You can tame this creature using a Giant Shrimp.
2. To access the area on Treasure Island is a must have treasure map that is dropped by pirates to be able to dig the holes and have access to the lower floors. (NOT the Treasure Map that you can buy on the island).
3. On Calassa, first Crustacea that spawns is the one on the south. After few hours, second one appears.
4. NPC Guardian of the Deap Seas looks like Crustacea Gigantica.
5. The discovery of the Crustacea Gigantica came to the scientific community like a thunderbolt. A creature like that was not even assumed to exist. Neither did it match any description of mythical creatures. All the more it is astonishing that considering their formerly unknown status sightings of Crustaceae Giganticae have become more and more common nowadays. These dwellers of the deep seem to leave their ancient habitats for unknown reasons and seek new areas to live in. Given the warlike nature of the Crustacea Gigantica it is somewhat unsettling to think what might have driven them away from their old realms. As of today, there are no valid theories about this occurrence, and although the quara are often mentioned as a possible cause, it seems more likely that the real cause is a new threat that lurks in the depths of the ocean. The Crustacea Gigantica itself is not necessarily destructive but very territorial. When something enters their habitat, the simple-minded beasts distinguish only between food and robber. Both are to be eliminated by their powerful pincers. Their armoured shell serves for more than adequate defence in such cases.
6. Crustacea giganticas can sometimes spawn instead of Abyssal Calamaries on Oramond Seacrest grounds. Good ideas is to use this fact on double respawn weekends!

