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by (5,046 points)
Which is the last day that you are able to claim the rewards? When does these teleports close?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,161 points)
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Best answer

You can claim the rewards till the end of September (server save September 30th). 

by (5,046 points)
edited by
Is It possible to kill a miniboss in a lvl 50, and claim the full reward on lvl 80?
by (4,161 points)
Unfortunately you can't, but you can collect prizes from levels 20+.
by (5,046 points)
Uhmm as far as I know at lvl 50 you can claim rewards of lvl 20+ and 40+. My question is, if I lvl Up this 50 to 80 before the months ends, Will i be able to claim the rewards of 20+,40+ and 80+?
by (4,161 points)
I'm not sure, but I think yes.