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by (7,037 points)
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If my world manages to complete the Rise of Devovorga, what are the prizes for the world? Also, are there any individual prizes?

1 Answer

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by (7,037 points)
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Individual Rewards

- Level 20+

Statue of DevovorgaDevovorga Statue
Stone of InsightStone of Insight
Demon BackpackDemon Backpack containing 2 Tentacle PieceTentacle Pieces, Berserk PotionBerserk Potion, Mastermind PotionMastermind Potion, Bullseye PotionBullseye Potion and a Red GemRed Gem

- Level 40+

Statue of DevovorgaDevovorga Statue
Stone of InsightStone of Insight
Demon BackpackDemon Backpack containing 2 Tentacle PieceTentacle Pieces, Berserk PotionBerserk Potion, Mastermind PotionMastermind Potion, Bullseye PotionBullseye Potion and a Red GemRed Gem

Demon BackpackDemon Backpack containing 4 Tentacle PieceTentacle Pieces, 6 Small EmeraldSmall Emeralds, a Soul OrbSoul Orb and a Solitude CharmSolitude Charm

- Level 70+

Statue of DevovorgaDevovorga Statue
Stone of InsightStone of Insight
Demon BackpackDemon Backpack containing 2 Tentacle PieceTentacle Pieces, Berserk PotionBerserk Potion, Mastermind PotionMastermind Potion, Bullseye PotionBullseye Potion and a Red GemRed Gem

Demon BackpackDemon Backpack containing 4 Tentacle PieceTentacle Pieces, Small Emerald6 Small Emeralds, a Soul OrbSoul Orb and a Solitude CharmSolitude Charm

Demon BackpackDemon Backpack containing 5 Tentacle PieceTentacle Pieces, 3 Giant Shimmering PearlBlue Giant Shimmering Pearls, and 5 Gold IngotGold Ingots

World Rewards
Worlds who succeed on killing Devovorga will receive 50% extra regeneration per hour until the end of September.

Mage: 150 hp/h (1 potion)
Paladin: 225 hp/h (1.5 potions)
Knight: 300 hp/h (2 potions)
Royal Paladin: 300 hp/h (2 potions)
Elite Knight: 450 hp/h (3 potions)

Knight: 600 mana/h (6 potions)
Paladin: 900 mana/h (9 potions)
Royal Paladin: 1200 mana/h (12 potions)
Mage: 1200 mana/h (12 potions)
Promoted Mage: 1800 mana/h (18 potions)

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