+3 votes
by (5,070 points)
In Tibia there is some Items that time ago there was a loot or maybe reward from quest , but some items are no longer obtainable so the existying copies are very valuable , but what items on Tibia are not obtainable anymore?

6 Answers

+4 votes
by (4,336 points)
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Best answer

These items as of today are not obtainable by anything within the game:

Shield of Honour Shield of Honour

Rose Shield Rose Shield

Golden Helmet Golden Helmet.gif

Chayenne's Magical Key Chayenne's Magical Key

Broken Amulet Broken Amulet.gif

Horned Helmet Horned Helmet.gif

Winged Helmet Winged Helmet.gif

Solar Axe Solar Axe

Gamemaster Doll Gamemaster Doll

The Epiphany The Epiphany

Dark Trinity Mace Dark Trinity Mace

White Dress White Dress.gif

Blessed Shield Blessed Shield.gif

Magic Long Sword Magic Longsword.gif

Stone of Wisdom Stone of Wisdom

Crown Crown

Silver Necklace Silver Necklace

Light Rapier Light Rapier

Cockroach Leg image

These items were obtainable in the game but now they can only be won in fansite contests:

Grey Tome Grey Tome

Yellow Rose Yellow Rose

These items are unobtainable on mainland:

The Chiller image

The Scorcher image

The Spellbook of the Novice image

by (4,336 points)
The crown is not obtainable also. I added it, thanks.
by (1,351 points)
Artist's Brush / Artist's Canvas can be obtained on CIPSOFT's birthday (usually every 5 years) killing special monsters.
Grey Tome and yellow Rose can be obtained on fansite contests.
by (5,070 points)
Please complete with ur mates info to make  a complete answer for helping people to locate all items in 1 answer
+3 votes
by (1,355 points)

 Cockroach Leg!!!

This item used to be obtained from the Beginning Quest before Dawnport was introduced into the game. But since Dawnports introduction this questline is no longer accessable which also makes the cockroach legs unobtainable.

Speaking of Dawnport... The Chiller, The Scorcher and the Spellbook of the Novice was taken to the mainland due to a bug when Dawnport was released. This is not possible anymore which makes these items unobtainable on mainland today.

by (3,816 points)
wooden sword could also be obtainable in beginning quest in top of rookguard temple.
+2 votes
by (7,037 points)
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At the moment, I remember this from Quest or Loot (Only expensive items):

  • Golden Helmet.gif Golden Helmet (Loot)
  • Horned Helmet.gif Horned Helmet (Quest)
  • Broken Amulet.gif Broken Amulet (Quest)
  • Stone of Wisdom Stone of Wisdom (Quest)
  • Chayenne's Magical Key Chayennes Magical Key (Quest)
  • Light Rapier Light Rapier (Quest/Tutorial)

by (1,355 points)
edited by
There are no Amulet of Life's in the game, Zupakode asked for existing items. They did turn into (edit: broken amulet) & they do exist in the game, unobtainable ^^
by (7,037 points)
Yes my mistake and they turn into Broken Amulet as far I know.
by (1,355 points)
Ah yes sorry was thinking about Broken Amulet but wrote Loss LOL
+2 votes
by (2,426 points)

The list of unobtainable items is constantly changing. Just like new items are constantly added to the game files but can't be obtained, old unobtainable items eventually become obtainable (for example, the Golden Hyena Pendant recently became obtainable after years of not being available). If you want to keep track of this items in the future, you can use TibiaWiki's list:


0 votes
by (287 points)
It is at least required to fullfil that list with a bronze necklace which is considered as rare item.

It can be still won in fansite contests though.
0 votes
by (495 points)

I'll add some items that weren't mentioned yet:

- If a player puts a book in his backpack, and a typo/error in that book gets fixed, the typo in the older version of the book (in his backpack) remains unchanged, while the book spawning in the bookcase is containing new, fixed text - making such book a rare item.

- Minotaur hill scroll. Unobtainable since not long after 2002.08.28 (update 7.0).

- Before 2005.12.12, author's name and editing date were are not visible. Such scroll/book is a rare, unobtainable item. Between 2005.12.12 - 2006.12.12, only the author’s name was visible. The editing date was not visible. Such scroll is a rare, unobtainable item. History of scroll on Rookgaard (also history of the changes affecting all books and how they display text).

- Document (Fishing Master Certificate). Unobtainable since 2014.09.15 (10.55). It’s no longer possible to enter NPC Santiago’s cellar. Document of the same sprite, name and weight (but different text inside) can be transfered from Dawnport to Rookgaard, some players use it for scamming.

- Premium scroll. Unobtainable since 2015.07.21 (10.80, introduction of Tibia Coins, which replaced the premium scrolls). It was possible to trade this scroll via regular trade window, but the item always stayed inside the purse (old name of store inbox), it was not possible to place it on the ground or inside regular backpack.
