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by (5,730 points)
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In some quests in Tibia, there is some items that "don't have a particular use" like the Ring of Ending, tomes, or the famous Crown. My question, is to know what are those items that we can get on the game but we still don't figure out what are they use or what they are needed for?

Thanks in advance.

by (5,730 points)
It's impresive how people downvote as a hobby... without give any clue of what is wrong on the question.
by (17,406 points)
I didn't downvote - However, I've been receiving downvotes for my answers recently too without explanation so I can see how that's frustrating. This happened to me twice in the past 3 days to perfectly detailed answers, no one even gave me a hint as to what I can improve. To be honest, the question would've been better if it was more specific because the answers to this question can be endless which is kind of frustrating for those answering it. The other questions I linked were specific and yours is just endless.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

There's a lot of items that have no current use. However, their use could simply be for decorative, light, or even for just money purposes like selling to an NPC. Also, I wanted to point out there are some other specific questions about this topic too that I recommend you check out as their related, but I'll try not to repeat anything that might be on these lists-

Here's is the list of obtainable items that have no current use that we're aware of. There's a lot to list so I'll just do some that I'm suspicious about-

  1. Ring of Ending
  2. Ancient Tiara
  3. Holy Falcon
  4. Holy Scarab
  5. Annihilation Bear
  6. Ball Gown
  7. Bear Doll
  8. Teddy Bear
  9. Wolf Tooth Chain
  10. Mud
  11. Banana Chocolate Shake
  12. Cow Bell
  13. Crystal Ball
  14. Crystal of Balance
  15. Crystal of Focus
  16. Crystal of Power
  17. Crystal Wand
  18. Dragon Blood
  19. Talon
  20. Piece of Iron
  21. Some Golden Fruits
  22. Black Skull
  23. Oil Lamp
  24. Starfish
  25. Gold Nugget
  26. Wooden Doll
  27. Vampire Doll
  28. Stuffed Toad
  29. Mini Mummy
  30. Torn Teddy
  31. Yetislippers
  32. Sandals
  33. Bunnyslippers
  34. Vampire Silk Slippers
  35. Ancient Amulet
  36. Scarab Amulet
  37. Demonbone Amulet
  38. Gold Ring
by (5,730 points)
I still believe all items on tibia have a use it's just we didn't figure out yet or is'nt implement on the game. I remember as happens with the Chayenne's key-
Handing in Skull of Ratha is a mission of the explorer society quest.

The use of creature product was initially to sell to npc. To some extent a replacement for heavy items like mace, crossbows etc.

That every single item in tibia would have a use is unlikely to say the least. Even disregarding creature products sellable to npc there are trash items simply cause, much like in the real world, trash exists.
by (17,406 points)
I agree, and some items could just be simply for money purposes and nothing else or some items are for multiple reasons like quest.. or to sell.. It all just depends!