+4 votes
by (1,355 points)
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Outfit (10 areas)Addon 1 (15 areas)Addon 2 (20 areas)Full Outfit

The discoverer outfit is obtained through the Measuring Tibia Questline, where you have to explore the Tibia Map looking for pink circles. Every area is subdivided into different sub-areas. To discover a sub-area you have to open up the cyclopedia and click on the Map tab. Then click on the Sub-area that you want to discover, once you've confirmed your choice several points of interest will be randomly placed across the map (they look like pink circles)


You need to discover all sub-areas to unlock the full area. You need 10 full areas for the basic outfit, 15 for addon 1 and 20 for addon 2/full outfit! As of today we only have 19 areas.

My questions are:

  • Whats the easiest areas to discover in your opinion?
  • Are there any tips or tricks that are useful?
  • Are there any specific equipment that you should use while exploring Tibia?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,046 points)
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These areas, in order of increasing difficulty, are the easiest to discover in my opinion:

  1. Krailos
  2. Feirist
  3. Carlin
  4. Ab'dendriel
  5. Thais
  6. Oramond
  7. Liberty Bay
  8. Darashia
  9. Roshamuul
  10. Gray island

The ones I think are the hardest (I quitted while trying) are: Venore and Port Hope

Some places are hard to reach, or have hard creatures, so make sure to wear and have the necessary equipment for each respawn.

I always start discovering the corners of the map, because in my opinion most of the points of interest appears in the near area you are walking. Others are usually always in the same spots, like the towers in Thais, the chess room, etc

+1 vote
by (4,336 points)

1. In my opinion the easiest arenas to discover are:

- Krailos

- Edron

- Kilmaresh

- Feyrist

- Ab'dendriel

2. I know one tip..In Carlin you have to discover 3 small islands..I suggest you to restart discovering until you have all  several points of interest on one island. You can use same trick on Asura Palace - if you don't wanna enter behind mirror. 

3. I didn't use specific equipment but all depends on your level. For me Kilmaresh was really easy to discover but if you are low level it can be harder for you than for me.

0 votes
by (5,689 points)

I don't have an uncovered area of Oramond, Roshamuul, Zao and I only need Asura's Place to complete Port Hope. [I have 14 areas, without PH]. In my opinion it is the hardest. And... of course new Issavi too. In terms of the difficulty of monsters and places, the easiest is Thais.

if I can recommend something to make it faster - there is no rule, but the lack of a map is helpful. For example, you must enter the castle  +1+2 when you discover carlin and other towers because there are points too.
