+2 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Time ago I saw that when you spam sd's on monsters/bosses the wand hit was not happening. This happens if you spam hotkey or you hold the hotkey. But I always wanted to find a way to throw every time the combo hit of wand + sd so in this way I could make more damage, but how can I make this?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Best answer

I found the way yesterday testing some stuff to improve my hits.
I found that if you put the SD's on your action bars and you hold click with the mouse on that button on action bar you always will hit the combo of wand + sd so you will make more dmg. I made some gifs so you can see how it works.

Here we see that every time the combo is sent perfectly:

Here is the action bar where I'm click holding the button to get that combo:

Note: this works with every rune.

by (1,355 points)
Woah Zupakode, I didn't take  you for a 'clicker' ;)
If its stupid and works it aint stupid though hahaha!
by (5,070 points)
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For bosses this is pretty useful trust me haha. I'm more old school guy but I found this and for bosses or pvp is very good.
by (1,355 points)
Yes I actually didn't know about this so I will start using it for sure!
The only thing I was questioning was if you could drink mana pots as you hold down the actionbar button, but it still seems to work somewhat okay :)
by (5,070 points)
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I didn't try that. I can test it when I get out of work, and please guys remember to upvote the question and answers if you love it or downvote if you think this is not helpful at all.