+1 vote
by (15 points)
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What is the formula for counting hits given to mobs? I want to know the average hit or the highest and the lowest depending on the level, skill and item. It would be good if the pattern included mob armor. I know there is a calculator on guildstats, but nowhere have I noticed how hits are calculated. Please and thank you for any help.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (12 points)


There is an formula for everything we want, including damage, and how to count it propely.

Your answer is here:


by (17,406 points)
Hello, links aren't considered complete answers. Is it possible you can edit your answer and include the formulas to calculate hits?
by (1,534 points)
also some formulae are incorrect:
"NOTE: These formulae are based upon observed values. Since the latest Vocation Adjustments Update in 2020, they are no longer correct." that's for distance hits for example.
0 votes
by (7,037 points)

Attack Value

Attack value can be found in the Combat Stats section of the Cyclopedia and is described as follows:

This is your character's basic attack power whenever you enter a fight with a weapon or your fists. It does not apply to any spells you cast. The attack value is calculated from the weapon's attack value, the corresponding weapon skill, combat tactics and the player's level. The value represents the average damage you would inflict on a creature which had no kind of defense or protection.

The formula for attack value is as follows:

B = base attack damage, W = weapon attack, S = skill.

Offensive Mode: 

Balanced Mode: 

Defensive Mode: 

The formula for minimum and maximum damage is not currently known.

Source: Formulae Attack Value
