+2 votes
by (4,336 points)
I am thinking about invest in Golden Outfit. Does Golden Outfit have any special effects which different this outfit from other outfits? If it is possible I would love to see screenshot of this outfit.

3 Answers

+4 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Best answer

It have it owns gold bright , also can be used as a deco item for house

OutfitHelmet addonGloves/Boots addonFull with both addons
Outfit Golden MaleOutfit Golden Male Addon 2Outfit Golden Male Addon 1Outfit Golden Male Addon 3
The Golden Outfit Display (Basic)The Golden Outfit Display (Helmet)The Golden Outfit Display (Boots)The Golden Outfit Display (Complete)

Note: Additionally, your character name will be listed on Memorials.

  • The Golden Outfit received a noticeable shine, illuminating the area around it (21/08/019):


Source of images: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Golden_Outfits_Quest#Required_Equipment

by (4,336 points)
I am a little disappointed..I would love to wear golden outfit with light effect..Is there any chance Cipsoft will add this effect?
by (5,070 points)
edited by
Editted , they just implemented light effect right now haha
by (4,336 points)
Wow! That's cool :D
+1 vote
by (1,355 points)

Zupakode listed all the benefits the Golden Outfit brings.

What im about to tell you is just a fun fact but the Golden Outfit is actually the first set so far that displays a complete set of items!

  •  Golden Helmet (Arm: 12)
  •  Golden Armor (Arm: 14)
  •  Golden Legs (Arm: 9)
  •  Golden Boots (Arm: 4)

There are other outfits in Tibia with resemblance of items like the Demon Outfit looks like its carrying a Demon Shield & the Mage outfit is wearing a Ferumbras Hat. But the Golden Outfit is the first outfit with a complete set!

Who knows, maybe in the future we will have more complete set outfits, Like Demon Set or Dwarven set, that'll be pretty cool! :D

by (4,336 points)
Would be nice to see more set outfits in tibia! What do you think about special effets? Golden outfit is first outfit with light effect..Do you think Cipsoft will add more effects in new outfits or this is reserve only for golden outfit?
by (1,355 points)
My personal opinion about the light effect for the golden outfit is Cipsoft just trying to make the outfit more attractive for the buyers. 1kkk for an outfit is insane to me but hey they are a business so they do whats best for them, but as of today theres only like 30~ players with the outfit.
The light effect is still a nice touch, although I believe the majority of Tibia players dont even play with light effects anymore... Also there are mounts like the Blazebringer & Crystal wolf that gives out a light source aswell :D

What i'd much rather see is Cipsoft making every mount more unique, there was a proposal long ago by a player wanting to make every mount have a unique ability. Like the draptor have +5% fire resist when you are mounted, or maybe some mounts increase your skill by +1 etc..
That would be really interesting and make collecting mounts and using them so much better :D
by (2,564 points)
This is a fun fact, but it doesn't seem to answer player's question at all
by (1,355 points)
Loreffy asked if it have any special effects which different this outfit from any other outfits so I thought stating that the golden outfit is the only outfit to display a full set of items would count as a 'special and unique effect', cus atleast to me that sure is different from other outfits
+1 vote
by (6,736 points)

My friend recently bought Golden Outfit, so I had an opportunity to check it in game :)

When you do not use light effects in game window, Golden Outfit has visible, but very small animation of spark... and that's all. But! When you use light effects the difference between Golden Outfit and any other outfit in Tibia is very noticeable.
