+4 votes
by (1,582 points)
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In every underwater region of Tibia we need a diving helmet, in calassa or other underwater places (way to inq boss) but in the headquarters of deepling we can walk without this helmet without drowning despite the fact that we are underwater. Someone knows why?

2 Answers

+7 votes
by (1,355 points)
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Best answer

Interesting question!

The NPC Spectulus in the Liquid Black Quest has this to say:

Spectulus: I will put this under your footgear. Here you go. And this in your nose. There. And there will be no further problems for you down there. Except- ah, well you'll find out yourself soon enough, won't you?

So by the looks of it, Spectulus seems to give you some kind of 'underwater' equipment that allows you to walk and breathe easily underwater :)

by (5,796 points)
Hm, I still wonder why can't we use this Spectulus gimmick around as well in Calassa after we talk to him this dialogue... Maybe the water in Quirefang is different :P
by (5,318 points)
it seems it is because we walk in Quirefang, where we actually swim/dive underwater in Calassa ;-)
+1 vote
by (5,318 points)

Additionally to the Krisph answer:

It is actually the Spectulus "enhancements" 1 which let you go there without the  

The original concept in teaser mentioned alternative equipment which would be exclusive only for Sunken area (Depth Galea and armor perhaps). 2  

  • you won't need a helmet of the deep down there but you will get something different which will allow you to breathe and something that will prevent the usual slow-down underwater

This was removed/adjusted possibly to give the new EQ better role in the game or not creating additional EQ. 

Additionally, Navigator 3 speaks also about the of Armor and helmet letting him dive into Deepling World (this is when you also getting Deepling Outfit). He also says that he control everything in Deepling Word and Lured you on purpose. 

Navigator: I was once captain of a ship, the Skyflare. We were traders for King Tibianus and on our way home when we got into a storm. We fought hard to escape the cold grip of the sea. ...
Navigator: I myself did what I could to navigate the Skyflare out of this mess. They depended on me. Me, the navigator. And I succeeded. ...
Navigator: However, when the sea calmed down and the rain was finally gone, we recognised that our ship wouldn't move. It wasn't my fault. ...
Navigator: There was a strong gale and we could already see this island on the horizon. There were seagulls all around the Skyflare to lead us to dry land. But the ship did not move a single inch. It was NOT my fault. ...
Navigator: We dived under the bow and saw that it was stuck right on the tip of a sharp rock. The world below us was treacherous, we could see large underwater mountains and a labyrinthine system of caves and holes. ...
Navigator: Some of my men panicked and hijacked the dinghies to reach the island, others tried to swim. I remained on the ship. It was not my FAULT. It was not. ...
Navigator: Do you have enough, can I stop?
Navigator: When none of my men returned, I forced myself to make a decision. Either dying on this dead ship or plunging into the liquid black beneath. ...
Navigator: In my desperation my thoughts fell onto a strange armor - a gift from a trader we dealt with just before the storm. Strange ornaments and fish-like elements decorated this armor. We thought it would fit just perfectly into the captain's cabin. ...
Navigator: He said something like a 'blessed breath' and 'to subdue the drift'. We thought he wanted to sell us worthless decoration and make it look interesting. If I had only listened to what he said. ...
Navigator: I figured that this thing would have something to do with diving or at least protect me from the icy water. I put it on, grabbed a shimmer glower from our storage to light my path and jumped in. ...
Navigator: Do you want me to go on?
Navigator: Hmpf. The armor was working. After some time I was surrounded by darkness and could only see as far as my shimmer glower would me allow to. But I didn't feel the cold - I could even breathe through that helmet. ...
Navigator: I dived into the deep black. Across rugged mountains, vast fields of kelp, swarms of strange fish. ...
Navigator: And then I laid my eyes on a creature I have never seen before. I now know that they call themselves Njey. You would call them the 'Creatures of the Deep' or 'Deeplings'. ...
Navigator: I am now convinced that when they first saw me descending in that suit with the light of the shimmer glower encompassing me, they took me for their God King Qjell. And that's when it all started to make sense. Don't you agree?
Navigator: Of course you do. And they did, too. They obeyed me. They adored me. They followed me. ...
Navigator: I learnt everything about their culture, their life, their goals and their problems. I found out about vile insect-like creatures inhabiting the surface of the island. And their waiting for the return of Qjell. ...
Navigator: I practically rewrote their history. I WAS THE SECOND COMING. I WAS QJELL. I, THE NAVIGATOR. ...
Navigator: And I navigated them out of their miserable lives. Away from their petty interests. I led them to a greater purpose - to form chaos out of order, to bring back the storm to the seas and to make THINGS MOVE. Do you want to hear the rest as well?
Navigator: I control EVERYTHING from this room, navigating the fate of this land for more than a century now. Can you see all these funnels? My voice travels through them and throughout everything down here! ...
Navigator: The stones on the beach? The trader up there? That was ME ALL THE TIME! I lured YOU into creating all this chaos up there and down here! ...
Navigator: You thought you could choose sides? Think again! I nearly led you into the destruction of two species! ME, THE NAVIGATOR! I CONTROL YOU, I OWN YOU! QJELL AFAR GOU JEY!
Navigator: NAAAAARGH. If you promise to leave me alone and NOT TO TELL MY SECRET to anyone - you can have one. ...
Navigator: NO! Not the one I'm wearing. I am BOUND to this device. This suit has granted me a longer life. However, once you have spent a certain time with this - there is no turning back if you know what I mean. ...
Navigator: The armor will merge with your very body. Holding you captive, holding your life in its hands like a ransom. ...
Navigator: Using Deepling craft and various components from down here, I created several spare helmets - just in case this one gets damaged. If you return that small golden anchor to me, you can have one. Will you?

1. https://tibiasecrets.com/forums/topic/spectulus/

2.  https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&threadid=3554753

3. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Liquid_Black_Quest
