+1 vote
by (4,161 points)
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I'm thinking about moving my character to Optional Pvp server. What are the pros and cons?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,046 points)
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  • No pks
  • No exiva, so it is harder to get hunted and take ks
  • High prices of tibia coins if you are a seller
  • Probably easier to find player for team hunt, bosses or quests


  • Hard ks in crowded respawns
  • High prices of items
  • High prices of tibia coins if you are a buyer
  • Not possible transfer back to open pvp server

I haven't actually played in optional pvp, but got some friends who do, and that is what they complain about.

by (4,161 points)
Have your friends been playing optional pvp for a long time? In their opinion, is it better there or on Open pvp?
by (5,046 points)
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A lot of them complains about the dominados power abusers. But I think they don't decreto since they day that they have found really nice people playing there todo Who likes all the RPG of tibia.
Tell us what you have finally decided to do!!
+1 vote
by (358 points)
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Best answer
The absolute biggest drawback here is that you can't leave optional-PvP once you transfered there. That means, if you do regret it later on, there's no way back.

I think it all boils down to the reasons as to why you're moving to optional. What is it that you want on an optional that you can't get on open?

Keep in mind, optional PvP doesn't mean less abuse from other players, probably the opposite, as some players will find extremely annoying ways to ruin your gameplay without having to resort to PvP and there's a lot less you can do to retaliate. The recent exiva-changes, that made it possible to block people from exiva you, made it a bit easier to hide from "dominando" players, but the problem of Optional PvP dominando is still very much a thing (and will probably remain so until Cipsoft decides to help out).

The servers also tend to be a bit more populated than most Open PvP worlds, aside from the obvious popular ones such as Antica for example. This means that houses can get a bit more rare and expensive and the tibia coin price tend to be a bit higher too.

That said, as an optional PvP player since many years back, there are days I wish I did play on an open pvp server, but I never regret starting optional. The community on the optional PvP servers that I have played have been extremely welcoming and nice to me.
by (4,161 points)
I am aware of the consequences.  I understand what you mean. I'm just fed up with Open pvp.
But I agree that there will be no turning back.
I actually have to think about it. Maybe I'll think about another open pvp server.
by (358 points)
Exactly what is it that makes you fed up with the open pvp servers?
by (4,161 points)
Generally i have enough pk, and flollowers. I'm neutral and they just bother me all the time.
+1 vote
by (4,336 points)
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In my opinion the pros are:

- people can't use exiva so if you have enemy there probably they will not distrub you

- items are cheaper there

- is no power abuse there

- is no "dominando" server there

In my opinion the cons are:

- tibia coins are expensive there

- is not worth to transfer expensive items with you (better sell it and buy again on non pvp server)

- when someone make you mad you can do 0 against this person

- you can't back on pvp server

by (4,161 points)
@Lenorah  Are you saying secura is recommended? hmmm maybe I'll make a character there and ask some people for their opinions. I also have a knight for Bona and they treated me well there.
by (358 points)
I don't have any personal experience of Secura, but I know they don't have as big of a problem with dominando servers as other optional PvP servers do, and it's usually one of the most suggested servers when it comes to optional.
I have a few friends who play on Secura though so if there's any specific question you might have, I could always ask them for you.
by (4,161 points)
I think that the information you provided here is sufficient for me. Thank you.
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