+3 votes
by (5,070 points)
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In Tibia there is many necklaces but which ones are the best , please tell me the top 5 necklaces for each element (fire , earth , ice , death ).

by (2,564 points)
Based on what criteria?
by (5,070 points)
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Properties , I mean if you have a amulet that has 10% fire protection + 10% physical is better than a necklace of 5% physical and 2% fire for example. I have it on the description of the question "basing on the properties". But ok I'm gonna change my question.
by (4,336 points)
I changed my answer because now question is more clear :)

3 Answers

+5 votes
by (5,051 points)
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As Loreffy said, it is situational. And even if an amulet has great stats, it could have low charges or be impossible to get.

Depending of the element you want protection against:

  • With low charges or impossible to get:
    • Fire: Bonefire Amulet Bonfire Amulet.gif(protection physical +60%) that has 5 charges left.
    • Earth: Sacred Tree AmuleSacred Tree Amulet.gif(protection physical +60%) that has 5 charges left.
    • Ice: Leviathan's Amulet Leviathan's Amulet.gif( protection physical +60% that has 5 charges left.
    • Energy: Shockwave Amulet Shockwave Amulet.gif(protection physical +60%) that has 5 charges left.
    • Death and physical: Stone Skin Amulet Stone Skin Amulet.gif

  • With many charges, much time, no charges and possible to get:
    • Fire: Magma amulet Magma Amulet.gif(protection fire +20%) that has 200 charges left.
    • Earth: Enchanted Sleep Shawl Enchanted Sleep Shawl.gif 
    • Ice: Glacier Amulet Glacier Amulet.gif(protection ice +20%) that has 200 charges left.
    • Energy: Lighting Pendant Lightning Pendant.gif(protection energy +20%,) that has 200 charges left.
    • Death: Cobra Amulet The Cobra Amulet.gif(protection death +9%).
    • Physical: Gill Necklace Gill Necklace.gif(protection physical +15%) that has 750 charges left.

If you want skill:

So my personal top 5  as paladin would be:

  1. Amulet of Lost Amulet of Loss.gif(Arm: 0, protection +100% contra a perda de itens.).
  2. Enchanted Pendulet Enchanted Pendulet.gif (Arm: 2, distance fighting +3, protection energy +18%, physical +5%).
  3. Enchanted Sleep Shawl Enchanted Sleep Shawl.gif(Arm: 3, distance fighting +3, protection earth +24%, physical +7%).
  4. Stone Skin Amulet Stone Skin Amulet.gif(Arm: 0, protection physical +80%, death +80%) that has 5 charges left.
  5. Ferumbras Amulet Ferumbras' Amulet.gif: When used increases 1000 hp or 1000  mana once an hour
by (4,311 points)
Good research Beix
by (5,689 points)
<3 give her best please
by (5,051 points)
I will hire you as cheerleader, seriously, falling in love with u! ahahahahahah
by (5,689 points)
hahaha :D :***
+3 votes
by (4,336 points)
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Best protection by:


Bonfire Amulet Bonfire Amulet.gif(Protection: physical +60%, fire +40%) but I never see it so other option is

Magma Amulet Magma Amulet.gif(Protection: fire +20%, ice -10%)


Terra Amulet Terra Amulet(Protection: earth +20%, fire -10%)


Glacier Amulet Glacier Amulet.gif(Protection: ice +20%, energy -10%)


Stone Skin Amulet Stone Skin Amulet.gif(Protection: physical +80%, death +80%) or 

The Cobra Amulet The Cobra Amulet.gif(Protection: death +9%)


Shockwave Amulet Shockwave Amulet.gif(Protection: physical +60%, energy +40%)

+2 votes
by (4,162 points)
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Best answer

                                                                           DEATH :
1 •
Stone Skin Amulet (protection physical +80%death +80%) . has 5 charges left.

2 • The Cobra Amulet (Arm:4, protection death +9%).

3 • Glooth amulet (protection physical +10%, fire +10%, earth +10%, energy +10%, ice +10%, holy +10%, death +10%) that has 20 charges left.

4 • Koshei's Ancient Amulet (protection death +8%, holy -50%).

5 • Elven Amulet (protection physical +5%, fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%) that has 50 charges left.

1 • Sacred Tree Amulet (protection physical +60%, earth +40%) that has 5 charges left.

2 • Terra Amulet (protection earth +20%, fire -10%) that has 200 charges left.

3 • Enchanted Theurgic Amulet (Arm:2, magic level +3, protection physical +3%, earth +14%)

4 • Gill Necklace  (protection physical +15%, earth +10%) that has 750 charges left.

5 • Glooth Amulet (protection physical +10%, fire +10%, earth +10%, energy +10%, ice +10%, holy +10%, death +10%) that has 20 charges left.

                                                                        FIRE :

1 • Magma Amulet  (protection fire +20%, ice -10%) that has 200 charges left.

2  • Glooth Amulet (protection physical +10%, fire +10%earth +10%, energy +10%, ice +10%, holy +10%, death +10%) that has 20 charges left.

3 •Dragon Necklace (protection fire +8%) that has 200 charges left.

4 • Rainbow Necklace (Arm:2, protection physical +3%, fire +6%, ice -5%).

5 • Elven Amulet (protection physical +5%, fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%) that has 50 charges left.

                                                                   ICE : 

1 • Leviathan's Amulet (protection physical +60%, ice +40%) that has 5 charges left.

• Glacier Amulet  (protection ice +20%, energy -10%) that has 200 charges left.

3  • Glooth Amulet (protection physical +10%, fire +10%, earth +10%, energy +10%, ice +10%, holy +10%, death +10%) that has 20 charges left.

4 • Elven Amulet (protection physical +5%, fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%) that has 50 charges left.


                                                               Also for Skills are Great :

• Collar of green plasma (magic level +3, faster Regeneration)

• Collar of blue plasma (distance fighting +4, magic level +2)

• Collar of red plasma (sword fighting +4, club fighting +4, axe fighting +4, protection physical +5%)

                                                               Best for Paladins :

• Enchanted pendulet  (Arm:2, distance fighting +3, protection physical 5%, energy +18%)

• Enchanted sleep shawl  (Arm:3, distance fighting +3, protection physical 7%, earth +24%) 
