+2 votes
by (4,162 points)
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How to make a teleport for example to Roshamuul? There is any other way to go to rosha without running or buying a ticket? Until recently it could have been done by dogs in Venore up depo.

3 Answers

+5 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

You can still do it with jungle grassJungle Grass waiting 5 minutes for it to grow up and relogging into the game.


This grass can be found around venore, femor hills, and other places

by (4,162 points)
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I just checked this trick. And you're right, it works! Thanks a lot !!
+1 vote
by (56 points)
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You can get teleported near of entrance of Venore where you can change medicine pounds. There you can get Jungle grass - next use machete and wait like 4 minutes heart

by (4,162 points)
I know it, i was trying this one yeasterday :)
+1 vote
by (1,355 points)
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EDIT: This used to work, but not anymore! 

The grass trick that Beix told you about is a really simple and good way to get yourself to your home town!

Theres also another way you can teleport yourself, which is even faster than waiting for the grass to grow back!

PvE Arena!

You can find these arenas in various cities like Thais, Edron, Rathleton, Ankrahmun, Kazordoon..

Just go to the NPC and say: Hi, Fight, Yes, 1,2,3,4 or 5, me, done, yes

You will now be able to enter the Monster Arena where your goal is just to kill yourself, this will obviously not be a real death. You wont lose any experience or anything, You will however be sent to your home city. This will also reset your health and mana to the max!(some mages actually do this when they have 0 mana so they don't have to waste any gold/pots to fill up their mana again)

This also works with PvP arena ofc :)

by (5,051 points)
sorry... this 'trick' is not working right now, and haven't been for a while.
Now when you are killed in an arena you apear outside it in red hp.
by (1,355 points)
Woah, really? Thats more than I knew, thanks for telling me :)
by (5,051 points)
You are welcome ;)