+3 votes
by (309 points)
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How can I participate in a Tibia tournament?

Due to the Sunset of Tournaments, this question is outdated.

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (4,336 points)
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If you wanna join Tibia tournaments, buy ticket (Store in game). You can choose by two options. First is Restricted Store  and second Regular. All Tournament characters start with level 20, basic skills, and 20,000 gold on their bank account. Upon sign-up, you can select your Tournament world, your vocation and city to start in. 

obrazekRestricted Storeobrazek Regular
-For those who enjoy a slower-paced, more demanding experience.
-Here, the following Store products are not available:
XP boosts, casks and kegs, exercise weapons and
dummies, potions and runes, gold converters, blessings, temple teleports, Prey wildcards and permanent Prey slot,
gold pouch, charm expansion, and hirelings.
-For those who want to speed up and facilitate their progress. 
-Here, the Store offers the same products like every other game world.
Ticket price: 300 tibia CoinsTicket price:
3,000,000 gp
Game Worlds: Endura, Endera, EndebraGame Worlds: Velocita, Velocera, Velocibra

+1 vote
by (56 points)
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You need create a character on your account and after, select a option of world where u want play the tournament... then now u buy a ticket of 500 tibia coins... now u can enter and play for 2 hours for 7 days..

Remember of that worlds are pvp and u can death and loss much rank!
If you are lucky you can get 10 rank and obtain mounts and things beautiful..
+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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"To participate in a Tournament, your account needs to fulfill certain criteria:

  • you need at least one character with level 50 on your account
  • you must have created a Tournament character for the Tournament world type on which you want to take part
  • your account must have Premium status
  • purchase a ticket  during the sign-up phase or a Late Registration Ticket for a higher price if you missed the sign-up phase

    Tickets for the Tournament world type: restricted Store can be purchased in the Store while tickets for regular Tournament game worlds need to be purchased via the Tournament interface ingame."

Taken directly from the FAQ: https://www.tibia.com/support/?subtopic=gethelp&entryid=183

To sign up for the Tournament you can on the  Tournament action button in-game, please note sign-up has to be active in order for you to acquire a ticket, I recommend following the news on Tibia to see if a Tournament will be active. On the left side where it says World Type you can pick between Restricted Store or Regular by moving the arrows near the World Type. If you don't have a Tournament character it will ask you to create a character. However, you can click either redeem if you have a Tournament Voucher or buy with Tibia Coins for Restricted Store or Regular with gold. Every Tournament is different so prices can change for tickets. Please note it will say no ticket under stage if you didn't successfully purchase a ticket yet.

It will give you character options (Game World Location, Vocation, Starting City) and make sure you set it up to your preference then select buy.

After you purchased your ticket you can always press Configure in the client to change your Game World Location, Vocation, Starting City. It will say ticket acquired with a green checkmark if you successfully purchased a ticket for the Tournament like the picture below:

0 votes
by (544 points)
You must create a character for the tournament type that you want to participate, choose the world which you will play then buy the tournament ticket to participate.