It was change with some update, so now you can't. But for this you can buy items (replica) from npc in Thias only in Sundays (Npc Cillia).
In using a Small Sapphire
, one can attain an Enchanted Small Sapphire
, used to enchant weapons with ice capabilities. Only druids can enchant this with a premium account and level 30 or higher, requiring 300 mana. The shrines are situated in Folda and Okolnir, reached at random.
In using a Small Emerald
, one can attain an Enchanted Small Emerald
, used to enchant weapons with earth capabilities. Only druids can enchant this with a premium account and level 30 or higher, requiring 300 mana. The shrines are situated in Kha'zeel (Tiquanda side) and south Venore, reached at random.
In using a Small Ruby
, one can attain an Enchanted Small Ruby
, used to enchant weapons with fire capabilities. Only sorcerers can enchant this with a premium account and level 30 or higher, requiring 300 mana. The shrines are situated in the Pits of Inferno and Ancient Temple, reached at random.
In using a Small Amethyst
, one can attain an Enchanted Small Amethyst
, used to enchant weapons with energy capabilities. Only sorcerers can enchant this with a premium account and level 30 or higher, requiring 300 mana. The shrines are situated in Kha'zeel (Darama side) and offshore west Darashia, reached at random.