+4 votes
by (190 points)
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Do you think that a maximum level could be benefical for Tibian Community? Remember when we thought that after Bubble reached level 100 she wouldn't level up anymore?

In my personal opinion, if Tibia has a max level to reach CipSoft could focus on new hunting areas for a broader range of players as well as new game features besides hunting spots. So I invite you to list down pros e cons if Tibia had a max level.


- Focus the game on other things besides hunting;

- Updates can focus on more areas for the same level range instead of few areas for a broader level range;

- PvP could be better with a level cap;

- Regain the status of RPG, left behind years ago;


- Lot of things has to change on Tibia before (more things to do besides power hunting);

- Lot of people likes to compete for higher levels;

- Tibia is all about leveling up;

Things that need to change before: 

- New vocations/races or different kinds builds to the same vocation;

- Another ways to engage with the game: more daily tasks, quests, reputation points, etc (maybe those could give good exp as well);

What is your opinion?

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7 Answers

+2 votes
by (393 points)
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Best answer
I think It would be cool to have, but then at the same time hunting is a major part of tibia as a whole and once people reach the max level set it would make more people stop playing once they hit that mile stone. As the game stands now I don't think it should have a level cap, but I think having one for a war kinda of server would be a cool idea. I think PVP is the major aspect made better by adding a level cap. Other games have the advantage of having either different kinds of builds or make the player want to make top levels of a bunch of classes/races, but tibia does not have that engine built in. It has only 4 vocations and has the different protection sets but still most will use just the best equipment. Another way you could do it that could be cool would to have a level cap but have self found kind of characters that would increase the difficulty of the game and give it a fun aspect that isn't leveling, this would require a lot on cip-soft part though to make you unable to interact with the global market or play only with your small group.
+2 votes
by (4,316 points)
Think it's not necessary to have a maximum level, but they could make it hard to level up to high lvls, the problem is that Tibia seems to gave up about the RPG around the game and in the few past years just focus in new hunts to make everyone happy. Players that like the roleplay are just few, specially at South America servers.
by (190 points)
Maybe reducing the xp gain percentage for higher levels? That is actually a very good idea.
I mean you gain xp faster on 300 than on 500... Good!
by (4,316 points)
I agree with u
+1 vote
by (105 points)
As you've mentioned this would work if there would be things in Tibia that could keep people engaged, such as more daily grinding quests, tasks, reputation points, etc. I'm unsure how CIP would implement these sorts of things as players tend to get bored pretty quickly.

We tend to want to work towards some sort of goal and I think the idea of Tibia is primarily based on getting levels and skills.
by (190 points)
Maybe we should have more options to gain experience besides hunting. Like quests or tasks for a decent xp amount.
by (105 points)
That's a good idea! It actually is quite satisfying getting EXP from completing 'Killing in the name of..' tasks for example
by (190 points)
Exactly! You could have options in the game if you are do not enjoy and/or do not have time for power gaming.
+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
I think everyone is so used to the current vision of the game, that it might be mistake.  I think it's cool that once the highest level in Tibia was 300, and now it is 1300. Tibia begins to resemble OTS a bit, but it's fun. I can't be "support" for adding the maximum level to the game.
+1 vote
by (4,162 points)
That's what this game is all about. People are chasing with levels, so for me it is not a good solution to introduce it. I remember how a few years ago this level goal was.
by (190 points)
What if we had other things to chase? We could focus on other things to do, maybe?
by (4,162 points)
I think it could be like that.
+1 vote
by (67 points)
I believe there are very few games out there that offer this very feature, the LACK of an end game. Most mmorpgs struggle to maintain the commitment and attention from their players once they have reached a later stage of the game, and they do so by creating a new scaled measurement system (by item level, power or similar features) while at the "end" of the level journey for the player.

I believe Tibia has a competitive advantage in that field, because that "limitless" horizon is, by all means, true and as direct as it can be. Tibia has always been a competitive game, be it on PVP or on PVE servers, and the prospects of becoming higher level, more skilled or simply richer than other players are what drive most people. After all, it is a 2D pixel game that competes with veteran platforms such as WOW or even ESO, games that offer much higher alternatives in terms of graphic, design and perhaps content.

That doesn't mean that the lack of level cap fills the game with everlasting fun. Grinding is still boring after a certain period of time, and that is a constant across games, despite the leveling system (progressive or not)

CONCLUSION: no, Tibia should NOT let go of one of their main competitive advantages.
by (190 points)
I gotta agree with you on how it is important part of Tibia since forever, but, I think we could also have more options to enjoy the game. If only cip could focus the updates on both things..... :D
by (67 points)
I couldn't agree more, my friend! I don't expect them to read these forums, but hopefully they will realize at some point. There have been many changes in Tibia, despite the fact that they are a rather conservative firm. After all, they are German!
0 votes
by (190 points)
I edited the question to add more pros, cons and also added things to be changed in case Tibia could have a level cap. I love the ideas given so far so let's keep with the discussion! :D