+1 vote
by (393 points)
I was wondering if there was a limit to the amount of items you can world transfer if it is like 1 of each item or 1 stack of that item? Could I buy like 200 silver raid tokens and transfer them to my other world? Does this include all items on me or also equiped or in DP?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,162 points)
selected by
Best answer
You can transfer all items what you want. There is no limit at the moment.
by (393 points)
Thank you I am not sure why I thought there was, did there used to be?
by (7,037 points)
Yes, on the past.
by (4,162 points)
Yes, but Cipsoft was make change it some time ago :)
0 votes
by (5,689 points)

Long time been limit for transferr, but currently there is no limit and you can transfer anything you want. wink

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