First of all, prepare yourself to use tibia coins, otherwise, you are not going to level up as fast as others.
Keep in mind the rule sets for the Tournament seen here:
For example in past tournaments, we saw the points as:
- Level x100 points
- Bestiary x20 points
This means that every level you advance is 100 points you get, and the bestiary you complete gives you proportional points to the difficulty of it (if you unlock a 500 monsters bestiary, for example, means 15 charm points, so in the tournament would be 15*20= 300 points) Every tournament can be different so these points are just an example.
First day:
- Buy Basic spells and basic set
- Buy mana potion in-store and then mana keg
- Level up to 28 or 30 in a cave near the city: example Edron ancient tomb, cyclops, etc
- Buy GFB in store, and go to spike or meriana, level up there as much as possible.
- Bid a small house in a good spot near the place where you plan to hunt in.
Consecutive days:
- Buy mana casks in your house
- Kepp buying expansive runes in store or if you can hunt in som profitable place, buy them from npc
- First choose respawns where you will level up fast
- Then once you don't level up that fast, choose respawns where you can do bestiary fast.
If you can, team hunt with some mates. Check-in who is online. On the last day, if you can kill some of your adversaries, do.