+2 votes
by (309 points)
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Since Antica is the oldest server, I’m wondering if it’s also the world with most rares

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,336 points)
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You can find almost all items on Antica market. Houses are full of rares. You can see on Antica really rare items like winged helmet , horned helmet , golden helmet , blessed shield  and beautiful rose shield . Rose shields are only on Antica.

+2 votes
by (1,355 points)
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Server with the most rares? Who knows
Server with the most old rares?`Most likely, just like many other answers here there are a lot of old famous rares on antica like Golden Helmets, Horned Helmets, Winged Helmets, Rose Shields, also the only known Blessed Shield & Magic Longsword.in the game!

Nowadays in Tibia you can find rare collectors all across servers, PvP and Non-PvP servers. I find myself sometimes walking around usually on non-pvp servers staring at other players houses, it can be pretty fun sometimes. Here are some pictures from a neat rare collector on my server:

+1 vote
by (4,162 points)
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Yes, there are! I saw there in houses a. And also Sheepy have some rares like  but he sold some  items last time, you can find a post in trade boards. Was very nice colection, i dont know why he did this.

Edit :
I decidet to check houses in Antica and what i saw:
There was a some of Golden HelmetsShield of HonoursGamemaster DollWinged HelmetHorned HelmetGrey Tomes and a lot of Yellow roses

Vofibu's Housemaid house in Thais (Lower Swamp Lane 3):

Thais (Upper Swamp Lane 2) -  Livsenergi Givaren Miraculix owns this house:

Thais (Lower Swamp Lane 1) Duxganx owns this house:

Yalahar (Luminous Arc 1) - Norelli :

Venore Lucky Lane 1 (Shop) - Sir slaughter owns this house :

Venore Salvation Street 1 (Shop) - Lord Karr owns this house :

Edron 'Central Circle 1'. Ozen owns this house :

by (4,336 points)
Sheepy sold his house and rares :( . Magic longsword is not anymore on Antica
by (4,162 points)
yes, but i think some rares from him are still  in Antica.
by (4,162 points)
I was added some sreens from houses in Antica :)
0 votes
by (5,689 points)
it is possible, even though Sheepy sold his items most, but many stays on Antica. In addition to what is there, there are a lot of fan pages and competition items (nightmare dolls, midnight panthers, ferumbras doll, yellow roses) or things like chayenne key, sun mirrors, bunnyslippers, etc.
0 votes
by (35 points)
I think it is, but many of rares are also on other servers, for example secura or refugia
0 votes
by (6,736 points)
I think so! This is the oldest server, so most of items which are very rare nowadays you can find there, because long time ago old players have an opportunity to get it.It is also very populated server - more players, so more collectors. Of course you can find some collectors on the other servers, but not as many, as on Antica. Moreover on new servers items like Golden Helmet are rather exceptions. On Antica you can find dozens of them.
bumping very old thread. does rares keep their value over time if you count in tibia coin. i know they getting more and more expensive in gold but so does tibia coins