+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
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I saw it in some places (houses/depots) but wiki only says it drops from one of the new creatures so it is used in some quest?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,322 points)

It seems it is part of the quest "The Boards That Mean The World". At one point of the mission the medusa Alyxo will ask you for a rare animal (for her beloved Nassai). It is at that point where you can give the scared frog to the medusa Alyxo and she will tell you she will give it to one of her actors (it is rumored this could be linked to an achievement), however this is not the trigger for the next step of the quest (small tortoise).

More info (in Portuguese) can be found at: TibiaLife.

by (3,816 points)
Can I get one without doing the quest? (for decoration?)
by (7,037 points)
Yes, is regular loot.
+2 votes
by (4,162 points)
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Best answer

Scared frog is drop from Adult Goanna  and from Young Goanna .

Its a part of Kilmaresh Quest. 

Also you need one to Achivement :
Sculptor Apprentice

Granted, you didn't carve those lifelike animal figurines yourself. But helping a medusa to find proper objects and even watching her using her petrifying gaze is almost as rewarding.

2 points (Secret)
Give Alyxo a bat, a scorpion, a scared frog, a calamary, and a small tortoise.
And you need to finish first mission in Kilmaresh quest, the same for enter to boss  Urmah~

0 votes
by (5,689 points)
A new quest is needed for this item, but it is a nice decoration too.

You have to be careful because the frog can be destroyed or trampled.