+4 votes
by (228 points)
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From my own experience, Scarlett can make her 7500 damage UE, without being attacked.

I also verified it with the CM on the Tibia  Forum but he didn't revealed what exactly triggered her.

Anyone has an idea what else, besides attacking, triggers her?

by (2,564 points)
Interesting question, thanks for posting and for linking to the CM reply. I wonder if anyone has already figured it out

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (254 points)
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Best answer
My answer is based on what I tried on testserver (killed her like 100 times there)

Its UE is only triggered when she realizes that you used the chestplate to trick her, so it is only triggered when you attack her while she is facing the 4 mirrors, or after using the chestplate with 10 seconds. so basically, she can use the UE when she change state from taking dmg to immune.
by (228 points)
I think you are totally tight, based on my observations too.
by (254 points)
glad I could help :)
by (5,051 points)
Nice to know, so basicaly if you do things right, using the armor, facing mirrors and attacking her from enough distance, It is safe right?
by (254 points)
exactly, if you are not near her when she starts to move again you are in nor risk, i didn't die once after my first 10 kills
0 votes
by (34 points)
If you let escarlett still using the armor and you are close to she, if you attack she if all the mirrors are watching to she it will reflect damage, but you also will take damage if you are to close.

So basically all is distance related and attack timing, the best way to do it is let she still using the armor and then you run awayu 7-8 sqm and use avalanche rune so you will never be unsafe (you have 8 seconds to run since you use the armor)
by (228 points)
As I wrote in my question, I ment what else, BESIDES attacking her.
0 votes
by (29 points)
I tested so many ways to kill her WITHOUT the mirrors and, once, I attacked her while she is walking around the room, and received a damage, but it wasn't 7500 damage... Sometimes I healed her, and sometimes I took the damage... But this on TestServer, I don't know if this is happening now...
0 votes
by (5,051 points)

It never happened to me, and I Hope It never happens.

I Saw in a Twitch clip an el almost dying cause of this, and I checked over and over again if someone had attacked her, no-one did, and the mirrors weren't even facing her.

So I got two theories:

  1. The Boss may do an UE when you block ver for a long time. This one has no real sense for me, but thats what some people says
  2. It may happen that when far away mirrors (doing an square or rectangle..) face her, she could also reflects the damage. This theory I Haven't tested.