+3 votes
by (393 points)
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My depot is always so messy and I was wondering how you all have found to organize your loot and DP. Is it by each DP for different sellers or by putting them in different colored bps.

9 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,051 points)

I put all the stackable in the stash and the rest this way:

+2 votes
by (1,355 points)
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There are some really amazing answers here, it all comes down to what you think is best for you

I personally have an item infront of the backpack to represent whats inside it, like this:

+1 vote
by (1,351 points)
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We have many boxes. Each of them I use for one purpose.

1 - BP's with npc's sellable items. I have many bp's from different colors. Each of them have more bp's inside that I fill with items. Green for green djinn, blue for blue djinn, yellow for Rashid and so on... From time to time I gather everything and sell at once.

2 - Usable / Addons / mount items.

3 - Items that I'm selling at the market.

4 - Empty Bp's

5 - Valuable items (gems and imbuement items)

6 - Quest related items

7 - Used for WZ statues, now it's empty.

8 - General Stash. After I return from hunts I just drop every non-stackable item there and usually at the weekend I sell then or place on the first box.
+1 vote
by (544 points)
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All the items groupable I send to stash. This way I basically DP to save equipment, quest items, and general stuff.

I let each box for an specific Npc that buy it, for example:

Box1: Rashid items

Box2: blue djinn items

Box:3 green djinn items ....

Inside each box u can use backpacks to separate every item or just put all together (I use to let all together considering all will be sold at the same npc).
+1 vote
by (7,053 points)

I use something like:

  • Rashid Loot
  • Blue Djin
  • Green Djin
  • Other npcs loot
  • Sets and useful items
  • Items to quest
  • Rings and Amulets
I feel like I just read description of my depo...xD
+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
I use mainly 1 depo box, because I'm used to old Tibia.

I use different backpack colors to keep clean.

I divide it into:

* backpacks

* all EQ items

* jewelry, rings, necklaces, diamonds etc

* dolls and rophies

* items to decoration

* food

* letters

* tammed items

* items for quests

* creature items


when I have loot to sell, I put it in the second depo box but I'm from people who do it on a regular basis.
+1 vote
by (4,162 points)

So ofcoure in stash i put all stacable items :) And the rest like this :

And the others items like  depo  House items :

0 votes
by (338 points)
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I generally use Depot I for important stuff, Depot II for items I am selling (market) and Depot III for NPC general loot.

I put some backpacks in Depot I to keep it organized and to help me remember where things are. For example, I use the Jeweled Backpack to put rares, in the Crown Backpack I put equipment, in the Expedition Backpack I put quest related items and so on.

After a hunt I simply throw items I want to sell in the market in Depot II and general loot (rashid, djinn, other) in Depot III. Depot III has backpacks inside it, so I remember which NPC to sell, for example (camouflage backpack - rashid, green backpack - djinn, ...). For example, I put one camouflage backpack with lots of camouflage backpacks inside it.

Then, when I want to sell the items in the market I simply open depot II to see what is there and then use the market for the most part. To sell NPC items I simply grab as many backpacks I can hold for that NPC and go sell.
–1 vote
by (105 points)
My depot is totally disorganized. Best method I found was to organize by category on each colored bp. Weapons, keys, mounts, potions and runes, necklaces, rings and decoration items.