I think yes they are, but warlock isn't very difficulty. With a paladin or a knight lvl 100+ you can hunt use the star wall strategy. Have 2 sqms in the star if you stay the Walocks can't attack with spells and you can attack with a arrows or melee weapons as knight. You can use a poison walls or traps for remove their invisible
Its a very good for knights and paladins lvl 130-200. If you use a life drain and mana drain imbuements you can stay a lot of time in the hunt.
If I'm not mistaken I think you can encounter Instable Breach Brood as well as Instable Sparkion if the vortex to Otherworld is active south west of Dwarven bridge
In general terms, yes they are. But there are other creatures that can be found in free account area that are strong as well:
During the lightbearer event you can also find these ones in plaint of havoc:
Yes. They are so hard to hunt because they are constantly invisible and attack from a distance. Another difficulty factor is your access through Maze of Lost Souls.
Yes the Warlock still remains as the most stronger and regular creature following by Enslaved Dwarf, Lost Basher, Lost Husher, Lost Thrower and Massive Earth Elemental.
The most stronger boss on free area can be Phrodomo following by Zarabustor and Teneshpar.
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